Under 10k Visits

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University and Research Institution Visits
Under 10 Thousand Visits So Far – WELCOME!

Stanford scientists use microbes to make ‘clean’ methane

The possibility of repairing or replacing damaged corneas with a new biomaterial

Atomically thin 2D solar cells

Imagine a house that could fit in a backpack: A foldable material that can change size, volume and shape

Alarm sounded over game futures

Welcome to the Age of Denial

A novel technique, in a first, could locate robots and soldiers in GPS-challenged environments

Research demonstrates that activated carbon could store hydrogen at room temperature

The first controllable metamaterial device

A new-old approach to low-cost storage for carbon-free energy

Towards a dramatically better television, tablet and phone screen and there’s more

An environmentally friendly supercapacitor that captures CO2 while charging

Why not measure the quality and quantity of sleep at home?

Microreact, a free, real-time epidemic visualisation and tracking platform that has been used to monitor outbreaks of Ebola, Zika and antibiotic-resistant microbes

Sandia Labs harnessing the sun’s energy with tiny particles

Synthetic version of a cardiac stem cell could reduce stem cell therapy risks

Northwestern Polytechnical University

Social networks catch an early glimpse of disease outbreaks

3D optical biopsies move closer to reality

A first-of-its-kind ‘living’ transistor chip

Predictive artificial intelligence: Video into the future by 1 1/2 seconds

Bangor University

The world’s fastest soft robots inspired by cheetahs

Shape-shifting adaptive training tools could transform skills training and sports training

Facing Up to Better Face Recognition

Artificial intelligence and crowdsourcing can identify insights that lead to breakthroughs

Research could lead to dramatic data farm energy savings

Nokia’s Bicycle Charger Kit

2D materials unlock an entire new field of research full of surprises

Berlin Start-Up Aims to Revolutionize Clothes Shopping

Researchers learn how to steer the heart — with light – Optogenetics

Nanodiamonds cut through dirt to bring back ‘bling’ to low temperature laundry

World’s first 25Gbps data communication using Quantum Dot Laser achieved

A robotic fish swims with the school and can even lead

Could The Future Of Health Care Mean No Waits In Hospitals?

Injectable 3D vaccines could fight cancer and infectious diseases

DNA molecules that can carry out reprogrammable computations, for the first time

Looks like transparent electronic devices could be based on nylon

A Powerful Idea on Youth Violence

Engineering Material Magic: Could allow devices to run 100 times faster

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (JHUSOM)

Computer Idle? Now You Can Donate Its Time To Find A Cure For Major Diseases

Quantum teleportation between atomic systems over long distances

Navy Recruits Players for Online War Game to Tackle Energy Challenges

Nano-dwarves turn tumor assassins

How utopian is the future?

University of Canterbury

UT Dallas Project Pushes Boundaries of Virtual Reality

Scrubbing CO2 and sulfur from power plant emissions

‘Virtual reality hands’ may help stroke survivors recover hand function

The Future of Organ Replacement

Meningitis May Be Eradicated

Can You Really Get Solar Panels Installed for Free?

Antimatter changed physics, and the discovery of antimemories could revolutionise neuroscience

Nano-magnets in metamaterials pave the way to invisibility cloaks

Immune boosting treatment eliminates HIV-like infection in mice

A new source of vitamin D from gene-edited tomatoes

Hack the planet? Geoengineering research, ethics, governance explored

Stopping Alzheimer’s before symptoms develop

Artificially evolved robots that efficiently self-organize tasks

Three Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Student Teams Earn Top Honors for Entrepreneurial Ideas

Fuel cell cars get closer with nanoalloys ten times as effective as pure platinum

U.S. forests, wetlands and agricultural lands could absorb one-fifth of greenhouse gas pollution — equivalent to emissions from all U.S. vehicles

A reliable and renewable way to power small devices for the Internet of Things with algae, sunlight and water

Do artificial brains need to sleep?

Caribbean Netherlands Science Institute (CNSI)

Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg (MLU)

Long-term stable neural recording using soft electronics

NTU scientists discover new treatment for dementia

ASU engineers help make advances in virtual artificial heart implantation

VIDEO Brian Greene: Why is our universe fine-tuned for life?

A $100 Drone To Do Your Bidding

Addicted to Fat: Overeating May Alter the Brain as Much as Hard Drugs

White graphene could usher in a new era in electronics and quantum devices

Air filters which can kill bacteria, fungi and viruses including SARS-CoV-2 in seconds

First Broadband Wireless Connection…to the Moon?!

Producing high-quality films for perovskite solar cells at industrial scale

Ford predicts next wave of automotive electronics innovation

Lava tubes could provide protected habitats large enough to house streets on Mars

An important step toward bringing transparent solar cells to home windows

An Ebola vaccine that works for children and adults

Harvesting the heart’s energy to power life-saving devices

Molecular machine could hold key to more efficient manufacturing

Energy-friendly chip can perform powerful artificial-intelligence tasks and implement neural networks

The Charitable-Industrial Complex

Defeating asthma attacks by going small

A new type of face mask is more effective in stopping the spread of Covid-19

Super bananas – world first human trial

A breakthrough in live cancer cells research

‘Maser’ source of microwave beams comes out of the cold

Removing nanoplastics easily from drinking water with 99.9% efficacy

Low currents of electricity can affect the brain circuits that control memory and human learning

Artificial intelligence doesn’t have to be super-sophisticated to make a difference in people’s lives

Paralyzed Man Able to Feel Again Through a Mind-Controlled Robotic Arm

Evolution Inspires More Efficient Solar Cell Design

A promising way to regenerate bone via a new regenerative implant technology

Start-Ups Look to the Crowd

Samsung’s Digital Village debuts in South Africa

‘Ultrawideband’ Could Be Future of Medical Monitoring

Fasting or caloric restriction can have anti-aging effects on the vascular system

CoeLux skylight brings “sunlight” to windowless spaces

Print yourself an airplane with MakerPlane

SteriPEN Freedom offers USB-powered water purification

UH Students Develop Prototype Device That Translates Sign Language

New Drywall (gypsum board) can save up to 40% on energy consumption of a building

Using swarms of tiny autonomous tiny drones to find gas leaks in buildings and on industrial sites

University of Gdansk

Vitamin D With Calcium Shown to Reduce Mortality in Elderly

Building blocks for Moon and Mars habitats: Cosmic concrete made from space dust and astronaut blood

Lady Gaga-designed Polaroid camera sunglasses

Discovery of a New Way to Make Foams Could Lead to Lightweight, Sustainable Materials

James Cameron Sending 3-D Cameras to Mars with Next NASA Rover

Eco-safe antibacterial fibre discovered

Restoring hand function after spinal cord injury – in rats

Invention jet prints nanostructures with self-assembling material

Can We Win the Race Against the Machines?

A new method using nanowires can improve solar cell efficiency to as much as 40 percent and make them much cheaper than today

New facial recognition software and app can help protect endangered primates

A Gorgeous, Towering Hive To Save Our Dying Bees

New software could revolutionize how DNA is sequenced – making it far faster and less expensive

Breakthrough: Pill to check Alzheimer’s coming in 4 years

Minority Rules: Scientists Discover Tipping Point for the Spread of Ideas

Using robots to get more food from raw materials

GM and Segway announce two-wheeled urban transport vehicle

RED shocks with Odemax 4K distribution platform and REDRAY home player

An Advance May Double the Capabilities of Fiber Optics

Oregon State University (OSU)

A revolutionary eco-friendly electrochemical refrigerant compressor: Key to Carbon-Neutral Buildings

Intel Israel Developing 3-D Camera to Detect Emotions

A new approach could see computers run a million times faster and store information a million times more energy-efficiently

Mobile With Electricity

New graphene transistor created with record high-switching performance

Breakthrough battery technology could give flight to electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft and more

Netflix Original Content Is Much More Than A Strategy Shift — It Could Shift An Industry

Big step towards a stem cell replacement therapy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Hydrogen-powered transportation gets a lot more real

Cystic Fibrosis breakthrough: New nanotech improves a CF antibiotic by 100,000-fold

If global warming is not reduced parts of the planet may experience near-unliveable conditions

The first manufactured non-cuttable material

New LED Streetlight Design Curbs Light Pollution

Leading light waves astray

Vaccine for chlamydia safely and effectively passes first clinical trial

Stabilizing the plasma that fuels fusion reactions

Social networking for scientists

A new device for manipulating and moving tiny objects with light

Producing hydrogen from water with carbon/charcoal powder

“Minecraft’ Modification Teaches About Materials Science – Fun and Challenging

Another step towards 3-D printed replacement knee parts that are custom-shaped to each patient’s anatomy

Solar islands could provide our planet with abundant energy

These “Farmscrapers” Are Entire Cities In Crazy, Wobbly Looking Towers

Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)

Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz

Determining the presence of cancer as well as its type and malignancy in minutes instead of weeks

A Bike That’ll Break When Stolen

University of Rennes

Injectable gel helps heart muscle regenerate after a heart attack

UCI researchers create mosquitoes incapable of transmitting malaria

Thermometer 100 times as sensitive

Aarhus University Hospital (AUH)

Aurasma Augmented Reality App

Screening for Alzheimer’s, ADHD and other neurological diseases at home with a new smart app

Inhibiting toxicity and aggregation of protein in Alzheimer’s disease with a new synthetic peptide

A new flexible stretchable battery is capable of moving smoothly like snake scales

The detection and cure of the commonest cause of high blood pressure with a 10 minute scan

Breakthrough dentistry

No More Needles at the Dentist – Just a Tiny Electric Current Instead

Scientists Create First Free-Standing 3-D Cloak

New advanced composite material lends itself to aircraft safety

Revolutionary microbe for biofuel production

Whitehead Institute

A new way to capture heat and turn it into electricity

A bus runs on hydrozine – formic acid that is sustainable, CO2-neutral, safe and liquid

No-win situation for agricultural expansion in the Amazon

EnerJ system could cut computer power consumption by up to 90 percent

Driven to Distraction

Smelling disease on your breath with a robot nose that senses biomarkers

Predicting crowd behavior using physics theory

The two cultures of science: the movement for reproducibility and the movement for open science

An eco-friendly way to dye blue jeans

Schluckspecht EV travels a world record 1,000 miles+ on a single charge

Early-detection urine test for Lyme disease works

Is the the major Atlantic ocean current, including the Gulf Stream, approaching a critical threshold?

Driverless Trains Will Transform The Mining Industry

American Research Universities Deal With Jump in Cyberattacks

Invention Could Enable Renewable Power Generation at Thousands of Unused Sites

Beam me up to the video conference: 3D Human Body Reconstruction

New low friction coating allows grease-free lubrication and corrosion protection

A new electronic skin closely copies the wide range of pressures the human skin can feel

Killing fungus without toxicity

New ESA Satellite to Revolutionise Telecom Market

A way to possibly store digital data in half the space current systems require

Could houseplants one day monitor home health?

Can a Chemist Deliver Distributed Energy from a Water Bottle?

Hormone-Disrupting Activity of Fracking Chemicals Worse Than Initially Found

Vapur – the reusable, flexible water bottle

A potential predictor for early dementia even before individuals notice their own memory problems

U.K. Mobile Phone Operator to Offer Unlimited Internet Access

America’s Real Dream Team

Supercomputer simulations identify potential active substances against coronavirus

Functional intestinal tissue created from stem cells

Sensing the future of living detectors and bioproduction

New Portable Solar Tent for Disaster Relief

New Bioink with the Potential to 3D Print Bone and Cartilage

Whole head imaging via a new brain scanner technology

Solving the Internet capacity crunch: first demonstration of a multicore fibre network

A new two-dimensional film could lead to soft robotics, liquid circuitry, shape-shifting fluids, and a host of new materials

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)

Could risk for psychotic disorders be detected by neurological brain markers

The decline of bees and other pollinators is officially a risk to crop yields globally

In Solar Power, India Begins Living Up to Its Own Ambitions

Curcumin delivered via tiny nanoparticles could be the real spice of life

Scanadu developing a real-life medical tricorder

Smartphone-based 3D printing of pharmaceuticals

Wheels of CHANGE

Brick-laying robot can build a full-sized house in two days

Keeping ship hulls free of marine organisms

The first step toward ultrasensitive biosensors to detect diseases at the molecular level

Young Entrepreneur Has A Better Idea. Now What?

A step towards environmentally friendly pesticides: One hormone to rule them all

Artificial photosynthesis with the help of an all-in-one catalytic system for the first time

Excessive focus on tests thwarts innovation

New antibiotic cures superbugs without bacterial resistance

The machine that grows gadgets

How Big Data Is Taking Teachers Out of the Lecturing Business

The battery of the future might run on sugar

Gene therapy in a droplet could treat eye diseases, prevent blindness

Maths study of photosynthesis clears the path to developing new super-crops

Renewable Energy Predicted to Boom, Surpass Natural Gas

Researchers repair and regenerate heart muscle cells as a potential powerful clinical strategy

Vitamin D Holds Promise in Battling a Deadly Breast Cancer

Ideum unveils new museum-ready, 55-inch multitouch table

Cellular reprogramming: Could change the game in regenerative medicine

Journalistic deficit disorder

Making testing for cancer a lot less invasive by using transistors instead of biopsies

New Glasses Change Lens Color on the Fly

The Internet of Things gets a new 10 times more reliable security feature

The Real Value of Nature

Cloud Share Digital And Physical Objects In Real Time

Invisibility cloak created in 3-D

Real-time wound monitoring using wearable sensors

Researchers develop miniaturized fuel cell that makes drones fly more than 1 hour

Robots Assemble for Military’s $2 Million Challenge

Telerehabilitation Allows Accurate Assessment of Patients with Low Back Pain

A micropeptide molecule that can restore normal heart function: in mice

Introducing the disposable laser at only a few cents cost

The ability to levitate objects on many scales with light

Clever Buoy uses sonar to raise the shark alarm

Turning clothing into an early warning system for injury or illness

Going to human clinical trials: Halting and even reversing dementia and Alzheimer’s?

Tiny new sensor could simplify brain wave research

Aix-Marseille University (AMU)

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

A new technique to turn smart phones into radiation detectors

Combining the two most powerful biological tools of the 21st century to Control Gene Expression in Stem Cells – CRISPRi

New Way to Tap Gas May Expand Global Supplies

New invention could prevent SIDS deaths

Eco Wave Power developing two new wave-power devices

Cellulose nanogenerators could one day power implanted biomedical devices

Hong Kong Baptist University

Dealing with the tangible and real can hook kids on science

Team creates a low cost thin film photovoltaic device with high energy efficiency

Eradicating recurring brain cancer: Glioblastoma nanomedicine crosses into the brain – in mice

Big Data Needs a Big Theory to Go with It

Danish MECc EV project promises 500 mile range and “refuel” time of less than three minutes

Scientists discover new form of superhard carbon

University of Connecticut (UConn)

Futuristic Copper Foam Batteries Get More Bang for the Buck

Can lead pipes be made safe?

Scientists discover an on/off switch for aging cells

A new process for building ultralight materials that are amazingly light and incredibly strong

Urbanflow: A City’s Information, Visualized In Real Time

New Kind of Ultraviolet LED could Lead to Portable, Low-Cost Devices

Silicon chip with integrated laser: Light from a nanowire

Fisherfolk, communities need more than healthy fish stocks

Rockwell Collins unveils first touch-control primary flight display

An ultrathin artificial muscle for soft robotics

Google X labs confirms augmented reality glasses project

A flywheel energy storage system that has been integrated into a fully automated EV fast charging station

Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 (UCBL)

Worldwide Water Shortage by 2040

A Cheap and Fully Optical Solution for Ultra-Fast Internet

The Corona virus’s ability to change makes it likely that new human coronaviruses will arise

Fast and energy-saving encryption for the internet of things

New synthetic proteins are one of the few remaining components needed to mimic entire electronic devices within cells

It’s pulling us in! Researchers make tractor beams a reality

In parts of Europe some strains of the latest superbug are already resistant to all known antibiotics

Chameleon Magnets: Ability to Switch Magnets ‘On’ or ‘Off’ Could Revolutionize Computing

Scientists Report Promising New Direction for Cognitive Rehabilitation in the Elderly

Cutting diagnosis time from decades to days with a single test for over 50 genetic diseases

Volvo’s ultra-light Air Motion Concept

Coal-to-chemicals breakthrough in China

Young scientist discovers magnetic material unnecessary to create spin current

Protecting Coral Reefs with Bubbles to Reduce Acidity

Yanmai’s Waistband Amplifier helps you find an audience anywhere

Supercomputer breakthrough for Australian team

This Scientist Uses The New York Times Archive To Eerily, Accurately Predict The Future

Artificial Intelligence Helps in the Discovery of New Materials

Using graphene as a copy machine to enable higher-performing semiconductor materials

A critical next step toward room-temperature superconductivity at ambient pressure

Scientists say new computer model amounts to a lot more than a hill of beans

University of Waterloo

IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca

Antidepressant Shows Promise as Cancer Treatment

Possibility of reversing fetal alcohol damage after birth

Soft robotics glove enables interaction with virtual reality environments

Chicago’s Field Museum Cuts Back on Science

University of Washington School of Medicine (UWSOM)

Camouflage bendy robot changes colour for disguise

A way to grow algae in days instead of weeks for biofuels and more

A way to dramatically cut methane pollution from millions of engines

Nissan Leaf batteries seek second life as home storage

Web Plan Is Dividing Companies

A fabric can harvest body heat to power small wearable microelectronics

The world’s fastest hydrogen sensor provides many opportunities

Enabling electric vehicles to get 500 miles on a single charge

Photonic networks will really speed up pattern recognition and save energy

Replacement developed for rare material widely used in electronics manufacture

New Compounds that Challenge the Foundation of Chemistry

Algae Shows Promise as Pollution-Fighter, Fuel-Maker

University of Colorado Boulder

Hydrogel implant enables light-based communication with cells inside the body

Solar on the Water

Mirror neurons located in the cingulate cortex could be a key to empathy and psychopathological disorders

Scientists Find Insect DEET Receptors, Develop Safe Alternatives to DEET

Artificial pancreas for diabetics being developed by Mayo Clinic

Skype-Style Calls Force Wireless Carriers to Adapt

Brothers Develop New Device to Halt Allergy Attacks

Polyurethane composite could replace steel or aluminum in some applications

Revolutionizing injury recovery by using tendon stem cells

A low-cost process for “growing” oxide ceramic coatings on metal parts

NREL Supercomputer Tackles Grid Challenges to Balance Renewables

Hearing Aids, Monopolies, And Why The Health Industry Is Ripe For Disruption

Could PUL-042, an inhaled therapeutic, be directed against all existing and future variants of the COVID-19 virus as well as future pandemics?

Can Parkinson’s disease be stopped before it starts?

The Internet of Things moves a step closer with open source, ultra-low-power JenNet-IP

ebuggy concept promises “unlimited range” for EVs

A lightweight nanofiber material is better than bulletproof

Protecting the respiratory tract from viral aerosols including Covid with a novel intranasal mask

Can Meena Build An Indian Google?

New enzyme biomarker test has the potential to indicate diseases and bacterial contamination saving time, money and possibly lives

Stable all-solid-state batteries that can charge/discharge half the battery within just one second

iHealth helps manage your blood pressure and weight on your iPhone

Australian teams set new records for silicon quantum computing

Suffer the Little Children

The secret to making renewable energy from wood with fungal enzymes

Scientists demonstrate first contagious airborne WiFi virus

Prefabricated healing kit: Injectable sponge delivers drugs, cells, and structure

Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

Engineers create new nano-fiber tougher than Kevlar

Effective HIV treatment at half the cost

Making blood from human skin

New treatments for depression and anxiety possible from breakthrough brain research

Not-weak knots bolster carbon fiber

Healing vascular injury and repairing damaged tissue with an exosome-coated stent is a big step forward

Could using zeolites at room temperature help to cut our carbon footprint?

Finally, A More Exciting Design For Wind Power

Could artificial intelligence predict the next moves of Covid-19?

Voiding Defects: New Technique Makes LED Lighting More Efficient

A way to make deep neural networks immune to hacking?

Nanoparticle-Based Invention Moves New Drugs Closer to Clinical Testing

Harvesting ocean energy to generate an eco-friendly and widely available form of renewable energy

Augmented reality lets clinicians see patients’ internal anatomy displayed right on the body

Can this evolutionary technology tackle global water shortages and energy issues

Shaanxi Normal University

A new class of ‘invisible’ materials is within sight

Electromagnetic space propulsion

Unmanned aircraft to pinpoint crop damage, target pesticide use, and increase yields

Food and fuel: A model for bioenergy feedstock/vegetable double-cropping systems

20-Second Phone Charge Possible After Teen’s Invention

Volunteers’ Idle Computer Time Turns Up a Celestial Oddball

Using Amazon Alexa as a tool for software engineers

Reusable carbon nanotube water filters could be the future of water filtration

Preparing for hell and high water

Glowing crystals can detect and capture heavy-metal toxins such as lead and mercury

Cornell University

Major Step Toward Creating Faster Electronics Using Graphene

A cellular time machine turns back the clock on a key component of aging in fruitflies

All-limb-drive bicycling with Raxibo

The Paradox of Web 2.0: Getting an Active Community is Hard to Do

Korean nurse bot sniffs the air to detect soiled diapers

A new method to capture CO2 using sunlight as the energy source and modified sawdust as the CO2 absorbent

The Stormbag was instrumental in preventing flooding

Starting Now, All Intel Microprocessors Are Conflict-Free: Here’s How The Company Did It

Cognitive Biometrics: A Very Personal Login

Pills of the future: nanoparticles

Neural prosthesis restores behavior after brain injury

Discovery Of Vulnerability In Brain Tumor Stem Cells May Lead To Successful Brain Cancer Treatment

The Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Could red and blue LED lights help to save millions of birds?

An optical gyroscope smaller than a grain of rice – 500 times smaller than current technology

Citizen Scientists and Social Media Aim to Help Prevent Frog Extinctions

The Disaster Shelter You Want To Live In Way More Than A FEMA Trailer

Could a blockchain protocol stop counterfeit pharmaceuticals

Developing a once-a-month oral contraceptive

Could a re-engineered enzyme help reverse damage from spinal cord injury and stroke?

Breakthrough technique offers the prospect of silicon detectors for telecommunications

An antidepressant drug repurposed for patients with Covid-19 may prevent serious illness

An easy-to-customise LED foil suitable for mass production enables large area lighting and display technologies

Indian Institute of Science

Germ-zapping Robots: Hospitals Combat Superbugs