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Under 10 Thousand Visits So Far – WELCOME!

Artificial intelligence replaces physicists

No human help needed: Robots perform first laparoscopic surgery without human help

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Thank 3D Printing for a Painless Flu Shot

Painkiller tapped to become future cancer-killer

The Lancet: World’s most advanced dengue vaccine candidate shows promise in phase 3 trial

A breakthrough in thermoelectric generation offers a direct means of converting thermal energy, including waste heat, into electricity

Implantable device reduces seizures by 93 percent in three months in epileptic rats

Could the strange quantum effect of spooky action at a distance have practical applications?

DNA nanorobots can pick up and drop off molecules

Researchers use skin cells to kill brain cancer for the first time

If You Had A Microgrid, You Wouldn’t Be Waiting For The Power Company

Bird Flu Vaccine to Be Rolled Out in 2013 After ‘Breakthrough’

You can be identified by your heartbeat – really

Snapkeys aims to replace QWERTY keyboards on mobile devices

Strongest material of them all so far

Researchers outline concerns about unproven stem cell therapies

Better control of prosthetic limbs using magnets

Next-Generation Scientists

Nanosurgery and the fight against cancer

A new type of rocket thruster has been proposed that uses magnetic fields for propulsion

Senolytic drugs reverse damage caused by senescent cells extending health and life spans in mice

The 5G wireless communications standard is creating the conditions required for the tactile internet

Artificial intelligence and the future of global health

National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Robots come to each other’s aid when they get the signal

Robotic universal jamming gripper gets “shooting” capabilities

The first non-invasively mind-controlled robotic arm

Why do people experience an uneasy feeling in response to robots that are nearly lifelike?

Outsmarting Algae: Scientist Finds the Turn-Off Switch

Defective nanotubes turned into light emitters

No cold storage needed: A microneedle patch can deliver COVID-19 DNA vaccine

Music Site Lets Users Play D.J. to Virtual, and Discerning, Crowds

A backpack-like portable robot can keep people from falling

By 2100, 96% of the global population may not have sufficient access to omega-3 fatty acid

Building truly intelligent and adaptive machines requires algorithms to get creative

Giant leap against diabetes

A first-of-its-kind life-like material powered by light and rotating magnetic fields acts as a soft robot

How To Find Meaningful Work

Manipulation of the Crowd: How Trustworthy Are Online Ratings?

A developing hypersonic propulsion system could reach speeds up to Mach 16

Lighter, better and much smaller electric motors could be on the way

ASU, IBM collaboration moves ultrafast, low-cost DNA sequencing technology one step closer to reality

The Era of Memory Engineering Has Arrived

Tailored cystic fibrosis treatment for each patient via a blood test?

Energy Literacy Platform: Track And Turn Off Household Appliances With Your Phone

Can a Jellyfish Unlock the Secret of Immortality?

Simon Fraser University (SFU)

Chloroplast-Fortified 3D-Printer Ink May Lead to Entirely New Engineered Materials

5 Radical Ideas For Reversing Income Inequality

New material steals oxygen from air

Eliminating damaged mitochondria alleviates chronic inflammatory disease – in mice

Machine learning is overtaking humans in predicting death or heart attack

Biologists Develop Method for Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing

Why You’ll Care About Intel’s 3-D Chip Invention: Mobile Battery Life

Wood completely broken down into its component parts to replace crude oil

Off-the-shelf materials lead to self-healing polymers

Research team finds way to make solar cells thin, efficient and flexible

Could Mini Labs and Plant-Based Vaccines Stop the Next Pandemic?

World’s smallest semiconductor laser created by University of Texas scientists

Using artificial intelligence to diagnose genetic diseases

German University in Cairo

The secrets of a tadpole’s tail and the implications for human healing

NTU scientists unveil social and telepresence robots

A better treatment of viral diseases including the flu and common cold

A brighter design emerges for low-cost, ‘greener’ LED light bulbs

The potential for revolutionising water disinfection technologies around the world

Which wildfires will burn out of control? Machine learning can help

Study Led by NUS Scientists Reveals Escalating Cost of Forest Conservation

New laser frequency combs could solve the bandwidth problem for true terahertz wireless communications

Facilitating the creation of magnetic nanorobots without wires for biomedicine and computing systems

A gene-targeting antiviral agent against COVID-19

Tata Megapixel Global City Car full of surprizes

Looks like transparent electronic devices could be based on nylon

Common salt could have a big role to play in the energy transition to lower carbon energy sources

New lithium-sulfur battery doubles energy density and charging cycles

Artificial neurons that behave just like the real thing have been developed to cure chronic diseases

Your Wrist is Now a Master Translator

Controlling genes with your thoughts

Self-sustaining sensor platform for environmental monitoring need no external power source

Enabling cost-effective space-based global quantum network for secure communications and more

Daniel Ellsberg And Others Discuss The Serious Implications Of Wikileaks

Feeding and fueling the planet with algae via new genome engineering technique

Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT)

Surveillance: two rare glimpses into who’s watching you, and how

Reversing insecticide resistance and help fight malaria with a new genetic strategy

Water supplement for bees is claimed to prevent Colony Collapse Disorder

A “wearable microgrid” harvests and stores energy from the human body to power small electronics.

Area steel firm touts tech breakthrough

Paper electronics could make health care more accessible

3D nanoprinting is set to revolutionize medicine and robotics

Stem cells from diabetic patients coaxed to become insulin-secreting cells

New mouse model could revolutionize research in Alzheimer’s disease

Silicon Valley Start-Ups Awash in Dollars, Again

Wikileaks and Iceland MPs propose ‘journalism haven’

New theory leads to radiationless revolution

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

Hybrid Battery Issues

Engineers Make Synthetic Photosynthesis Breakthrough

Microsoft creates Kinect-like system using your laptop’s built-in speaker & microphone

Interactive projector that turns any flat surface into a touch screen wins UK design award

Can a very low calorie diet reverse type 2 diabetes?

Can microplastics increase the toxicity of organic pollutants by a factor of 10?

An affordable and low-risk route to net zero emissions which could stop fossil fuels from causing global warming

A new effective approach to converting heat to electricity has huge potential

Researchers appear to have halted the osteoporosis process that breaks down bone – in mice

SWAT Robots Soon to Protect US First Responders

Sandia Labs harnessing the sun’s energy with tiny particles

Robots learn to evolve and improve

Roundworm genome sequenced by international research project

Swarm robotics algorithms coordinate scores of sensor-laden balloons within hurricanes for up to a week

A world-first antibody-drug delivery system that has the potential to fast-track potent new therapies

How to rejuvenate the immune system of elderly people and reduce their risk of infectious disease

New inexpensive anode materials can double the charge capacity of lithium-ion battery anodes

Metals Used in High-Tech Products Face Future Supply Risks

Electronic Nose Detects Cancer

Getting closer and closer to a treatment for brain cancer

New bacteria defence mechanism discovery could be significant

Danish breakthrough brings futuristic electronics a step nearer

In a French Case, a Battle to Unmask Twitter Users

Breadth vs. Depth: McIntire Professor Tom Bateman Investigates Why Some Researchers Are Inclined to Span Boundaries, Others to Remain within Them

Fighting Internet Censorship With A Massive, Shepard Fairey-Designed Street Art Campaign

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria identified in 30 minutes instead of 3 days

Doubling performance of batteries with lithium metal that doesn’t catch fire

Donghua University

3D-printed graphene aerogels take water treatment to a whole new level

Lady Amelia Windsor launches a new fashion collection and you will love it

Tiny new sensor could simplify brain wave research

Urban mining gets real for metals and uses up to 500 times less energy than current lab methods – in a flash

Coda Automotive E.V. Test Drive

Cambridge team breaks superconductor world record

A new robotic sensor technology has the capability to diagnose women’s reproductive health problems in real-time

Jumping droplets could offer more efficient thermal management

How Wireless Tethering Could Change The World

NASA Begins Testing of Revolutionary E-Sail Technology

Regenerating dental enamel and bone

Soft Exosuit

Powerful and rare type of immune cell could impact Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, meningitis – even migraines

Boffins erect semi-hard 3D silicon: Pop-up micro-machines breakthrough

Nano-plastics cause malformations and disrupt growth in living organisms

Cheap, energy-efficient ARM Cortex-M0+ may usher in the Internet of Things

A $1 Million Research Bargain for Netflix, and Maybe a Model for Others

Magnetically-driven nanoparticles could offer a new way to help stop internal bleeding

Significantly speeding up new drug discovery while substantially cutting time and costs

Anti-bacterial graphene face masks

Altruistic behaviour takes place in a different part of the brain to similar activity to help oneself

Windows 7 gets the Minority Report treatment using Kinect

Accurate prediction of a heart attack helped by noninvasive imaging

Drones, robots and autonomous systems can transform the natural world in and around cities for people and wildlife

World’s lightest solid material, known as ‘frozen smoke’, gets even lighter

Phone Apps to Navigate Traffic

University of North Texas (UNT)

Just how real is the placebo effect?

How Big a Battery Would It Take to Power All of the U.S.?

Bionic leaf turns sunlight into liquid fuel at 10 times the efficiency of photosynthesis

Repeated Self-Healing Now Possible in Composite Materials

Smart robotic apparel gets flexible with a hybrid silicone-fabric sensor

University of Louisville

How to make coastal wastewater treatment plants energy-independent and carbon neutral

U.Va. Nonprofit Organization, PureMadi, Develops Innovative Water Purification Tablet for Developing World

Changes to fisheries legislation have removed habitat protection for most species in Canada

Scientists Identify the Signature of Aging in the Brain

Anti-ageing drug breakthrough

Algae Holds Promise for Nuclear Clean-Up

Aarhus University Hospital (AUH)

3D: coming soon, to an operating theatre near you


Strong, Tough and Now Cheap: New Way to Process Metallic Glass Developed

University of Hong Kong (HKU)

Next-generation wastewater treatment and water reuse systems enhanced by microbiome engineering

A simple test that aims to tell patients how quickly they are aging

New piezo-resistive sensor interface reads the minutest of natural movements made “off the cuff”

Nano-supercapacitors for electric cars

Meta-Optics: The disruptive technology set to bring the stuff of science-fiction stories into everyday devices

How smart are your clothes?

Quantum black hole study opens bridge to another universe

New smart skin give robots more sensitive tactile feeling than humans

Progress And Innovation Cannot Be Stopped — Merely Hindered

Conductive aluminum that is lighter, cheaper, and more abundant than copper

Not your grandfather’s submarine periscope

How Can Humanity Avoid or Reverse the Dangers Posed by a Warming Climate?

Yet more evidence of connectivity between the gut and the brain

Cheaper nanobots for cancer therapeutics and perhaps electronics and photonics

How augmented reality affects people’s behavior

Mood ring materials could detect infrastructure damage before it becomes critical

Driven to Distraction

How do you store excess electricity so it can be released back onto the grid when it’s needed? Hydrogen

Bacteria-powered solar cell

Toward a safe antiobesity drug that could block fat absorption

Google Chromebooks

Restoring function in paralysed limbs with a biohybrid device

Simple Test Can Help Detect Alzheimer’s Before Dementia Signs Show

Cash Crops With Dividends: Financiers Transforming Strawberries Into Securities

Blind mice regain their site with single gene insertion

AdMob Founder Omar Hamoui Invests In Paid Task Mobile App Gigwalk

Prime editing is the latest gene-editing technology that is simpler and more precise than CRISPR

A New, Flying Jellyfish-like Machine

A Start-Up’s Camera Lets You Take Shots First and Focus Later

Wearable Cam Could Help Patients Stave Off Effects of Impaired Recall

Medicines can be printed in seven seconds in a new 3D-printing technique that could enable rapid on-site production of medicines

Researchers working on an invisibility cloak made of glass

The dawn of cyborg botany : Introducing a plant-robot hybrid

James Dyson Award National Winners announced

UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

“Quantum dot” technology may help light the future

Can finely ground silicate rock powder pull CO2 out of the atmosphere?

Samsung 5G development “several hundred times faster” than LTE

Your T-shirt’s ringing: telecommunications in the spaser age

Engineers’ synthetic immune organ produces antibodies

Promising compound restores memory loss and reverses symptoms of Alzheimer’s

Electronic label indicates if perishable items have gotten too hot or too cold

Dramatic quality improvement of medical imaging using artificial intelligence

Don’t Drop Out of School Innovation

Banks Put a Price on Earth’s Life Support

A successful blood test for autism

Transforming the detection and treatment of cancers with tiny surgical robots

An adhesive gel could repair injuries without surgery

Salt Tolerance Breakthrough – Cross-bred wheat lifts yields

Liquid salt could help clean up tar sands

Kickstarter vs. Quirky: Startups Provide New Routes for Invention

Startup bringing driverless taxi service to Singapore

Washington and Lee University

University of Toyama

Transforming walls into sensors and interactive surfaces with a paint job

Low Cost, Super Efficient Offshore Wind Turbines for a Clean Energy Future

China’s Cyberposse

A new method to manipulate sound — stop it, reverse it, store it and even use it later

Giant tobacco plants that stay young forever

A Cyborg Snail That Is A Tiny Power Plant

Nanofiber masks can be reused more than 10 times by spraying them with ethanol

Breakthrough in Oxford malaria research

New Perth Space Saving Invention Revolutionises The Trailer Industry

Minjiang University

60 Lives, 30 Kidneys, All Linked

Breakthrough technique offers the prospect of silicon detectors for telecommunications

Natural fungus may provide effective bedbug control

Leukemia-Killing Plasma Beam Could Offer New Cancer Treatments

Planetary Resources shows off full-scale asteroid mining prototype

A big step forward to wireless power for sensors, LEDs and other simple devices with low energy requirements

An early alarm for forest fires using self-powered paper chips

New type of laser-generated bubble display creates 3-D images by using a laser to form tiny bubbles inside a liquid screen

As we all head back indoors, many ventilation systems may actually increase the risk of COVID-19 exposure

Photothermal therapy can make good use of Hu-Kaiwen ink to treat cancer cells

A textile-based wearable display technology that is washable and needs no external power

Stanford researchers develop acrobatic space rovers to explore moons and asteroids

Novel Materials Shake Ship Scum

A new artificial enzyme may help put chemistry’s holy grail in reach

CurvACE gives robots a bug’s eye view

Former MakerBot COO creates the world’s first $500 3D printer

VIDEO Sir Ken Robinson: How You Can Change Education in Canada

The impact of rocket launches may have a greater climate effect than the aviation industry

Treating addiction with transcranial magnetic stimulation

‘3D’ test could reduce reliance on animals for testing asthma and allergy medications

New AI deep learning model can detect future breast cancer risk better than current models

Northwest A&F University

Wisdom of the crowd corrected for bias gets accurate

University of Virginia School of Engineering

Greensound Technology expands exotic glass speaker line-up

Could “surgery in a pill” instead of gastric bypass surgery be an equally effective treatment for reversing type 2 diabetes?

An innovative photonics sensor for fast and reliable food safety monitoring in minutes not days

McGill University Health Centre (MUHC)

World’s first full HDR video system sees like the human eye

“Ageing well” must be a global priority

Step towards an artificial brain: An artificial synapse capable of learning autonomously

Portable Tech Might Provide Drinking Water, Power to Villages

Monitoring water loss from plants with a new wearable sensor technology

Technology that could bring a space launch to any airport

The world of research evolves through remote experimentation

Wet age-related macular degeneration could be treated with eyedrops soon

Baking Soda Dramatically Boosts Oil Production in Algae

Scientific team creates molecular robot from DNA

Northrop Grumman to build football field-sized hybrid airship

With a new design lithium-sulfur batteries could reach their full potential.

Wave-Powered Glider

Artificial intelligence advancement opens health data privacy to attack

Compressing time from 1 month to under 1 day using photocatalysts will really speed up new medicines

LSUHSC research finds protein that prevents light-induced retinal degeneration

Bulacan students invent ‘anti-botcha’ robot

A new species of Ebola virus has been detected in bats in Sierra Leone

How disruptive technologies can help keep the health care team and the patient on track

Smart windows get the ability to tint gradually

Cellulose from wood can be used to print in 3D

Syracuse University (SU)

Plastic Caps Connect with LEGO to Save the Planet

Robot Ranger Sets Untethered ‘Walking’ Record at 14.3 Miles

Swimming robots break world distance record in Pacific

World’s First Automated Trust Assessment System Announced

India Puts Tight Leash on Internet Free Speech

Researchers develop new-generation ‘thinking’ biomimetic robots as ocean engineering solutions

Engineers discover highly conductive materials for more efficient electronics

Hepatitis C breakthrough

An AI remote monitoring system to non-invasively watch premature babies

Vitamin D can help cancer patients live longer

Small modular nuclear reactors – the future of energy?

Audi to charge e-tron EVs using solar power

Can ecstasy (MDMA) help to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

Flanders Institute of Biotechnology (VIB)

New Malware Could Steal Users Social Media Behavior and Info

UBC engineer helps pioneer flat spray-on optical lens

Getting drinkable water right out of the driest of desert air with no moving parts

Largely dismissed heart failure drug may help solve costly problem for Medicare and hospitals

Inspiring: Kik Founder Donates $1M To Kickstart University of Waterloo Seed Fund

Pre-war insect hunters help to save our pollinators

Online Cash Bitcoin Could Challenge Governments, Banks

New Drug Target for Alzheimer’s, Stroke Discovered

Sapphire fibers carry 40 times more electricity than copper wire

Intelligent deep sea robotics: Autonomous underwater robot with intelligent 3D cameras for high precision search and tracking in deep seas

3D printing electronic devices with useful properties such as an ability to convert light into electricity

New Nordic Innovation magazine exploring concept of playing

Carbon sequestration in the oceans could be 500 times faster with a common enzyme?

Footwear-Based Land Mine Detection

Harvesting Energy from Electromagnetic Waves

Fuel Cell Cleans Waste Water While Producing Electricity

Nanobot micromotors deliver medical payload in living creature for the first time

3D printing of lithium ion batteries in any shape

Restoring brain cells damaged in Parkinson’s?

Cooling rooms with wind is better than with cold air

New plasma “brush” may mean painless cavity filling

Technology Funding Makes Climate Protection Cheaper

Blackphone: A Pro-Privacy Android-Based Smartphone

Rain-making lasers could trigger showers on demand

New Discovery Paves the Way for Using Super Strong Nanostructured Metals in Cars

Lab launches misconduct probe into stem cell ‘breakthrough’ study after researchers admit mistakes in experiments

Regulating genes with electrical stimulation

Hybrid Carbon Nanotube Yarn Muscle

Inducing cancer cells to commit suicide

A Telescope For Your Eye: New Contact Lens Design May Improve Sight of Patients with Macular Degeneration

First spectacular pics from largest, most powerful telescope ever

Energy storage enjoys a breakthrough day

New adaptable plastic films could regulate the temperature of buildings and people without requiring any power

A new image enhancement system can automatically retouch images in the style of a professional photographer

Editing DNA could be genetic medicine breakthrough with ethical concerns

More options for sustainably producing more food on less land

New Anti-Cancer Vaccine Developed and Tested

Toward a safer form of acetaminophen

New MIT algorithm targets safer skies

3D holograms move toward real-time “telepresence” capacity

Researchers Develop New Concept for Rechargeable Batteries

Important step toward growing donor organs and replacement tissues to combat aging and diseases

Breakthrough could lead to “artificial skin” that senses touch, humidity and temperature

Students’ new invention could help improve road safety

UCSD students test fire 3D-printed metal rocket engine

Massachusetts Eye and Ear

A Young Tunisian Researcher’s Scientific Breakthrough in Cure of Diabetes

Initiating a world-first cloud brightening technique to protect corals

Press Gang

OneZoom is a one-stop site for exploring all life on Earth

Neuromorphic wetware for artificial neural networks that overcome the limits of traditional computer hardware

A new way to store information in molecules without energy could stably house data for millions of years

AMP-Foot 2.0 prosthesis mimics human ankle’s spring

Google launches the Nexus One smartphone

A novel way to deliver drugs and therapies into cells at the nanoscale without causing toxic effects

Early Detection of Blinding Eye Disease Could be as Easy as Scanning a Barcode

A new energy efficient process removes nearly all traces of oil in produced water

Scientists from CERN and MIT launch encrypted email service

A new component allows physicists to control spin waves that could unlock the next generation of computer technology

Better and cheaper pipes for water desalination

Steering light by magnetic field for better communications technology

A fast simple method to write two-dimensional electronic circuits for a new generation of electronic devices

Pandemic therapeutics just got cheaper, faster and a lot more efficient

The machine that grows gadgets

A new method to capture CO2 using sunlight as the energy source and modified sawdust as the CO2 absorbent

BMW Concept e electro-scooter looks the real deal

New Hepatitis C Drugs Owe Their Success to HIV

Plant With ‘Eggbeater’ Texture Inspires Waterproof Coating

Revolution Postponed: Why the Human Genome Project Has Been Disappointing


Getting ahead of future pandemics by proactively identifying animal viruses that might infect humans

Can a quantum computer be manufactured using mainly standard silicon technology?

A fully functioning artificial human heart muscle large enough to patch over typical heart damage

Particle-Free Silver Ink Prints Small, High-Performance Electronics

Need different types of tissue? Just print them!

Cyber Wars

Stunning Eco Stadium Scores Green Goal for 2010 World Cup

Agloves give full 10-finger gloved touchscreen functionality

A promising drug treatment could revolutionize the treatment of patients suffering from ALS

VIDEO: The Most Interesting Engineering Feat

‘nanotech’ spray that enables smartphones to work underwater

Superconducting ink heats water instantly

Breakthrough Controls Appetite with First-Ever Ingestible Electroceutical Device

Building a biochemistry lab on a chip

Improving explosives detectors for remote sensing: The end of full-body scanners?

NASA aircraft inspires what could be the world’s first zero-gravity roller coaster

Poker-playing program knows when to fold ’em

Eye implant contains ‘world’s first’ millimeter-scale computing system

Graphene production on the cheap using 3 simple ingredients plus little energy

University of Maryland School of Medicine

Chevrolet to conduct real-world tests of EN-V concept in Tianjin Eco-City

University of Minnesota engineers make sound loud enough to bend light on a computer chip

New Maker Module Hacks Into GE Appliances to Cook Up Innovation

Air Force Asks Students to Solve Real-World Problems

If Robots Drove, How Much Safer Would Roads Be?

How Long until We Have the Superhuman Exoskeletons from Elysium?

Shrinking the breeding experiments with trees from years to weeks with CRISPR

The world’s most widely used insecticides could be partly responsible for a dramatic decline in songbird populations

ARGO Network Senses Ocean Changes

Is trophy hunting an acceptable and effective tool for wildlife conservation?

Carbon-fiber-based composite materials can now be self-healing and much longer lasting

Honda to extract rare earth metals from used car batteries

The 2009 Corruption Perceptions Index – civilization’s report card looks bleak