University of Maryland School of Medicine

The University of Maryland School of Medicine (abbreviated UM SOM or UMB SOM), located in Baltimore City, Maryland, U.S., is the medical school of the University of Maryland, Baltimore and is affiliated with the University of Maryland Medical Center and Medical System

A new type of RNA can inhibit a broad range of viral infections

A new target for a universal influenza vaccine

A new noninvasive approach to deep brain stimulation offers new hope for movement-related brain disorders

Use of preventive antimalarial treatments reduces by half the number of malaria infections among schoolchildren

New nanoparticle technique provides “naked eye” visual detection of Covid-19 virus in 10 minutes

Could skin-related stem cells help in treating neurodegenerative diseases?

UMSOM Researchers Discovered that Pigment-Producing Stem Cells Can Help Regenerate Vital Part of Nervous System Neurodegenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS) affect millions of people worldwide and occur when parts of the nervous system lose function over time. Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) have discovered that a type of skin-related

Could skin-related stem cells help in treating neurodegenerative diseases?

An innovative strategy for treating influenza, and perhaps other infectious diseases as well

New research identifies potential protective agent against flu A new study by researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine has identified an innovative strategy for treating influenza, and perhaps other infectious diseases as well. Scientists showed that a small protein called retrocyclin-101 (RC-101) could potentially improve the symptoms and mortality associated with the

An innovative strategy for treating influenza, and perhaps other infectious diseases as well

Study finds that Ebola vaccine is safe and stimulates strong immune responses in adults in Mali and USA

A clinical trial of a new Ebola vaccine (ChAd3-EBO-Z) that resulted from an unprecedented global consortium assembled at the behest of the World Health Organization has found that it is well tolerated and stimulates strong immune responses in adults in Mali, West Africa and in the US, according to a study published today in the

Study finds that Ebola vaccine is safe and stimulates strong immune responses in adults in Mali and USA

Skin Cells Can Be Engineered Into Pulmonary Valves for Pediatric Patients

New valves may grow with patients and may have lower rejection rates Researchers have found a way to take a pediatric patient’s skin cells, reprogram the skin cells to function as heart valvular cells, and then use the cells as part of a tissue-engineered pulmonary valve. A proof of concept study in the September 2014

Skin Cells Can Be Engineered Into Pulmonary Valves for Pediatric Patients

Researchers find Potential Novel Treatment for Influenza

Scientists Pursue New Therapies as Deadly H7N9 Flu Spreads in China An experimental drug has shown promise in treating influenza, preventing lung injury and death from the virus in preclinical studies, according to University of Maryland School of Medicine researchers publishing in the journal Nature on May 1. The scientists found that a drug called

Researchers find Potential Novel Treatment for Influenza

Online Obesity Treatment Programmes Show Promise

Weight loss or weight maintenance programmes online or by computer helped overweight and obese patients lose and/or maintain weight Computer and web-based weight management programmes may provide a cost effective way of addressing the growing problem of obesity, according to a team of seven researchers who undertook a Cochrane systematic review. The researchers, from Maryland,

Online Obesity Treatment Programmes Show Promise

Experimental Vaccine Targets Malaria Parasite When It Tries to Enter the Bloodstream

The novel approach, as well as a vaccine made from live parasites, offers new hope in the battle against malaria The malaria parasite is one of the most widely studied disease-causing organisms, yet there is still no effective vaccine available to prevent the deadly illness. Two new experimental vaccine studies indicate some progress towards that

Experimental Vaccine Targets Malaria Parasite When It Tries to Enter the Bloodstream

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