synthetic biology

Internal medicine: Synthetic beta cells could secrete insulin in response to high blood sugar for diabetes

In lab experiments and animal models, UNC and NC State researchers led by Zhen Gu,

Synthetic Biology: New bacteria produce ultra-miniature nanowires for next generation electronics

Scientists sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) have genetically modified a common soil

Synthetic Biology Used to Limit Bacterial Growth and Coordinate Drug Release

Researchers at the University of California San Diego and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

‘Green’ Electronic Materials Produced with Synthetic Biology

Scientists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst report in the current issue of Small that

Gene circuits in live cells can perform complex analogue and digital computations

Technique combines analogue and digital processes in engineered cells. Living cells are capable of performing

Scientists to use microbes and methane to create sustainable Omega 3

Scientists are trying to find a new way to produce the nutritional fatty acids called

Traveling Salesman Uncorks Synthetic Biology Bottleneck

Computer program scrambles genetic codes for production of repetitive DNA and synthetic molecules Researchers have

“Kill switches” shut down engineered bacteria

Synthetic biology technique could make it safer to put engineered microbes to work outside the

Spontaneous Pressure Regulation Within Artificial Cells

Simple human-made cellular analogues both sense and regulate in response to externally created stress. Living

Synthetic biology needs robust safety mechanisms before real world application

Ethics and technology hold the key to the success of synthetic biology Targeted cancer treatments,

A way to treat bacterial infections with artificial viruses

Synthetic biology: Strange medicine SET a thief to catch a thief is an old proverb. In

A Major New Approach to Gene Therapy

Bioengineers at The University of Texas at Dallas have created a novel gene-delivery system that

Scientists Reprogram Plants for Drought Tolerance

UC Riverside-led research in synthetic biology provides a strategy that has reprogrammed plants to consume

Chemists create ‘artificial chemical evolution’ for the first time

Scientists have taken an important step towards the possibility of creating synthetic life with the

Major synthetic life breakthrough as scientists make the first artificial enzymes

A breakthrough in synthetic biology has opened the door to a new way of treating