synthetic biology

Extending the functional life of cancer fighting circuitry in microbes with synthetic biology

Bioengineers and biologists at the University of California San Diego have developed a method to

Charting a strategic course towards a new world of synthetic biology

Genetically engineered trees that provide fire-resistant lumber for homes. Modified organs that won’t be rejected.

Using DNA signatures to identify genetically engineered organisms that have been released into the environment

In partnership with scientists from Raytheon and other universities, Eric Young is helping develop a

Synthetic biologists have hacked bacterial sensing with wide-ranging implications

Rice University synthetic biologists have hacked bacterial sensing with a plug-and-play system that could be

Synthetic proteins can kill cancer cells while sparing their healthy peers

Stanford researchers have developed synthetic proteins that can rewire cancer cells in a lab dish

Synthetic biologists have added high-precision analog-to-digital signal processing to the genetic circuitry of living cells

Synthetic biologists add tunable, analog-to-digital converter to their toolkit Synthetic biologists have added high-precision analog-to-digital

Engineered brewer’s yeast can produce marijuana’s main ingredients—mind-altering THC and non-psychoactive CBD and more

UC Berkeley synthetic biologists have engineered brewer’s yeast to produce marijuana’s main ingredients—mind-altering THC and

New synthetic proteins are one of the few remaining components needed to mimic entire electronic devices within cells

Rice University scientists create electrical protein switches triggered by chemicals Scientists at Rice University have

It is now possible to obtain the structures of small molecules, such as certain hormones and medications, in as little as 30 minutes

UCLA/Caltech team uncovers a new and simple way to learn the structures of small molecules

A pioneering synthetic biology tool can deliver DNA programming into a broad range of bacteria

A team of scientists from the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the Massachusetts Institute of

Converting solar energy into hydrogen gas with a new method using artificial enzymes

In a new scientific article, researchers at Uppsala University describe how, using a completely new

Could houseplants one day monitor home health?

In a perspective published in the July 20 issue of Science, Neal Stewart and his

A new way to synthesize DNA could drastically accelerate the whole process of discovery

In the rapidly growing field of synthetic biology, in which organisms can be engineered to

The first artificial human prion

Finding May Shed Added Light On, Offer Treatment Hope for Brain-Wasting Diseases Case Western Reserve

Controlling living cells by computer launches computerised biology

Researchers from the Pasteur Institute and Inria, with researchers from the CNRS and Paris Diderot