regenerative medicine

3D-printed artificial tissues will help to heal bone and cartilage damaged in sports-related injuries

Rice bioengineers lead effort to print scaffolds to heal bone and cartilage Bioscientists are moving

Genes that control the process of whole-body regeneration

Study uncovers genes that control process of whole-body regeneration When it comes to regeneration, some

Regenerative medicine: Human blood cells can be directly reprogrammed into neural stem cells

Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the stem cell institute HI-STEM* in

New hope for regenerative medicine using “cellular dust”

While stem cells have the most therapeutic potential, the benefits of regenerative medicine may best

Capturing the elusive cell that can regenerate an entire organism

Researchers at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research have captured the one cell that is

Shape-conforming hydrogel bandage accelerates healing in diabetic wounds

Shape-conforming hydrogel leverages the body’s own healing mechanisms rather than releasing drugs or biologics A

Regenerating dental enamel and bone

Researchers at Queen Mary University of London have developed a new way to grow mineralised

An automated robotic system will greatly expand the use of mini-organs in basic research and drug discovery

A robotic approach to mass-producing organoids could accelerate regenerative medicine research and drug discovery An

On the way to customized regenerative heart valves that grow and regenerate

Cardiovascular tissue engineering aims to treat heart disease with prostheses that grow and regenerate. Now,

New stem cell work raises hopes for regenerative therapies that could heal currently intractable lung diseases

Stanford scientists have found a cell that creates the two different compartments in the mouse

Stroke treatment repairs brain tissue using stem cells

Human clinical trials could begin as early as next year A team of researchers at

Salamander genome sequenced: May provide clues to rebuilding complex tissue and even body parts

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have managed to sequence the giant genome of a

Self-healing heart cells get closer with Singheart

Researchers discover a new molecule, ‘Singheart,’ that may hold the key to triggering the regeneration

Printing of high-resolution complex living tissues for regenerative medicine

Scientists at the University of Oxford have developed a new method to 3D-print laboratory-grown cells