regenerative medicine

Breakthrough dentistry

The SealBio technique invented by a team of doctors at AIIMS in the Capital has

New gene repair technique promises advances in regenerative medicine

Using human pluripotent stem cells and DNA-cutting protein from meningitis bacteria, researchers from the Morgridge Institute

Human stem cell-derived hepatocytes regenerate liver function

Researchers have generated functional hepatocytes from human stem cells, transplanted them into mice with acute

Growing New Teeth Just a Stem Cell Away?

Stem cells derived from urine can be used to generate tooth-like structures, reports a study

Heading for regeneration in humans?

The rabbit can’t do it, neither can a frog, but zebrafish and axolotls can and

Scientists spin cells into thread form

Japanese researchers have developed a technique to reshape living cells into thread form, which could

Creating new tissue instead of transplanting hearts

At the Vienna University of Technology substances have been developed which allow to create fully

Another milestone on the way to next generation regenerative therapies

The method has been shown to work with all types of hair follicles Researchers lead