quantum cryptography

Making hacking futile using quantum cryptography
via LMU Making hacking futile using quantum cryptography Researchers at LMU and the University of
A chip with particularly secure encryption technology could protect against even quantum computer attacks
A team at the Chair of Security in Information Technology has developed a chip with
Quantum breakthrough: Keeping qubits of light stable at room temperature
Photo of the memory chip, protected in a glasscell. Eugene Simon Polzik Quantum breakthrough: Keeping
Completely secure communications by adding noise?
Configuration of the security protocol: One device (center) produces the encryption key coded in the
Large numbers of quantum light sources on a chip could mean unbreakable cryptographic systems and quantum computers

Household lightbulbs give off a chaotic torrent of energy, as trillions of miniscule light particles

The Dawn of Quantum Metamaterials

A new scientific field: Quantum Metamaterials A groundbreaking experiment applying metamaterials to quantum optics paves

Protecting communications from hackers with a new quantum-based procedure

Researchers at the University of York have shown that a new quantum-based procedure for distributing

How to stop cyber intrusions using Majorana particles

U.S. Army-funded researchers at the University of California in Los Angles have found a proverbial

Long-distance quantum communication via a network of crystals

Quantum physic can guarantee that a message has not be intercepted before reaching its destination.

New Quantum Technology Chip Could Bring Highest Level of Encryption to Any Mobile Device

First use of quantum technology to create a random number generator that is both tiny and

Laser technique promises super-fast and super-secure quantum cryptography

A new method of implementing an ‘unbreakable’ quantum cryptographic system is able to transmit information

Leap towards ultra-secure communication and incorporating quantum devices directly into laptops and cell phones

An international team of scientists has set a new record for the complexity possible on

Researchers secure 200GB/s data connection with quantum cryptography

Toshiba, ADVA Optical Networking and BT have announced a breakthrough in new encryption technology, successfully

Ideal Single-Photon Source: Quantum cryptography and quantum communication

With the help of a semiconductor quantum dot, physicists at the University of Basel have

Quantum cryptography at the speed of light: Researchers design first all-photonic repeaters

Quantum computers are on the way, but this technology has implications for another area that