Quantum Computing
Professor Andrea Morello explains how the Maxwell's Demon thought experiment was analogous to his team's
Cuprous oxide – the mined crystal from Namibia used for making Rydberg polaritons Could a
The UNSW team: Dr Asaad Serwan, Prof. Andrea Morello and Dr Mateusz Madzik. Photo: UNSW/Kearon
via UNSW Sydney Removed: A major obstacle that has stood in the way of quantum
Quantum entangled pair of protons in a solid phase proton-terminated silicon surface Are we on
The researchers can use optical tweezers to position individually laser-cooled atoms in programmable geometries. Shown
A new piece of the quantum computing puzzle A new quantum logic gate is orders
Experimental setup similar to the one the researchers have used. Thor Balkhed Practical semiconductor spintronics
NIST physicists measured and controlled a superconducting quantum bit (qubit) using light-conducting fiber (indicated by
Artistic impression of the quantum learning concept. (Credit: Rolando Barry, University of Vienna) Quantum
This picture shows the two qubit modules (red atom between two blue mirrors) that have
(a) Scanning electron image of one of the Foundry-fabricated quantum dot devices. Four quantum dots
Computer circuits using magnons to convey information in place of electrons use 10 times less energy
The directional coupler with a visible atomic structure is depicted. Spin wave jumps from one
New algorithm could unleash the power of quantum computers Overcoming a major problem which plagues