neural network

Using neural networks to shed light on the nature of human learning

Study of Deep Neural Networks Suggests Knowledge Comes Via Sensory Experience As artificial intelligence becomes

Machine learning system can pick out objects within an image, using spoken descriptions

Model learns to pick out objects within an image, using spoken descriptions. MIT computer scientists

Can neural networks detect depression just through conversation?

Neural network learns speech patterns that predict depression in clinical interviews To diagnose depression, clinicians

An artificial neural network created with a 3D printer could have applications in medicine, robotics and security

Created with a 3D printer, the artificial neural network could have applications in medicine, robotics

A full-blown optical neural network chip

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have made a silicon chip

Smart home AI system can sense people through walls

Wireless smart-home system from the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory could monitor diseases and

Using artificial intelligence to identify, count and describe animals in the wild

A new paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) reports how

Robots learn just by observing humans

Researchers from NVIDIA, led by Stan Birchfield and Jonathan Tremblay, developed a first of its

Automating the targeting of clinical radiation therapy using artificial intelligence and deep neural networks

MD Anderson researchers use supercomputers at the Texas Advanced Computing Center to develop, test treatment

A deep neural network can perform sensory tasks that matter to humans and that do so at human levels

Neuroscientists train a deep neural network to analyze speech and music. Using a machine-learning system

Facial recognition in the dark using artificial intelligence and machine learning

Army researchers have developed an artificial intelligence and machine learning technique that produces a visible

Retrosynthesis in organic chemistry to benefit from a combination of deep neural networks, machine learning and artificial intelligence

Machine learning enables syntheses to be planned with unprecedented efficiency In 1996, when a computer

Using an AI neural network to probe quantum systems at exponential speed

New machine learning techniques can help experimentalists probe systems of particles exponentially faster than conventional,

Brain-like computing moves closer with invention of the memtransistor

Combined memristor and transistor can process information and store memory with one device Computer algorithms

Battery powered neural networks could be everywhere

New chip reduces neural networks’ power consumption by up to 95 percent, making them practical