neural network

New learning procedure for neural networks

Neural networks learn to link temporally dispersed stimuli Rustling leaves, a creaking branch: To a

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: Master of Go Is Walloped by Google Computer Program

Computer, one. Human, zero. A Google computer program stunned one of the world’s top players

Progress Toward Software That Reasons Like Humans

Richard Socher appeared nervous as he waited for his artificial intelligence program to answer a

Energy-friendly chip can perform powerful artificial-intelligence tasks and implement neural networks

MIT researchers have designed a new chip to implement neural networks. It is 10 times

Deep Learning Revitalizes Neural Networks to Match or Beat Humans on Complex Tasks

Deep learning has created a resurgence of interest in neural networks and their application to

Advance could enable mobile devices to implement neural networks modeled on the human brain

Energy-friendly chip can perform powerful artificial-intelligence tasks In recent years, some of the most exciting

Scientists build a neural network using plastic memristors

A group of Russian and Italian scientists have created a neural network based on polymeric

New ‘deep learning’ technique enables robot mastery of skills via trial and error

UC Berkeley researchers have developed algorithms that enable robots to learn motor tasks through trial

Why Neural Networks Look Set to Thrash the Best Human Go Players for the First Time

One of the last bastions of human mastery over computers is about to fall to

IBM Develops a New Chip That Functions Like a Brain

Inspired by the architecture of the brain, scientists have developed a new kind of computer