Polytechnic University of Milan

The Polytechnic University of Milan (Politecnico di Milano) is the largest technical university in Italy, with about 42,000 students

Revolutionary Photonic Chips Unleash a New Era of Energy-Efficient AI

Slashing energy costs of fluid transport by 22 percent with an easily implemented new pumping strategy

Using self-healing concrete and biocement to build a much more sustainable future

A promising way to regenerate bone via a new regenerative implant technology

Cold spraying 3D-printed biomedical parts with supersonic speed makes porous structures that are 40% stronger

Reducing atmospheric pollutants with a new paint-on graphene-based coating for concrete

Graphene Flagship partners the University of Bologna, Politecnico di Milano, CNR, NEST, Italcementi HeidelbergCement Group, the Israel Institute of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, and the University of Cambridge have developed a graphene-titania photocatalyst that degrades up to 70% more atmospheric nitrogen oxides (NOx) than standard titania nanoparticles in tests on real pollutants. Atmospheric pollution

Reducing atmospheric pollutants with a new paint-on graphene-based coating for concrete

Faster photonic chips are on the way

Topological insulators are a game-changing class of materials; charged particles can flow freely on their edges and route themselves around defects, but can’t pass through their interiors. This perfect surface conduction holds promise for fast and efficient electronic circuits, though engineers must contend with the fact that the interiors of such materials are effectively wasted

Faster photonic chips are on the way

New Quantum Technology Chip Could Bring Highest Level of Encryption to Any Mobile Device

First use of quantum technology to create a random number generator that is both tiny and fast Random number generators are crucial to the encryption that protects our privacy and security when engaging in digital transactions such as buying products online or withdrawing cash from an ATM. For the first time, engineers have developed a fast

New Quantum Technology Chip Could Bring Highest Level of Encryption to Any Mobile Device

Scientists design an imaging system capable of obtaining 12 times more information than the human eye

This scientific development could be used in the not too distant future to create new assisted vehicle driving systems, to identify counterfeit bills and documents, or to obtain more accurate medical images than those provided by current systems Researchers at the University of Granada, in collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy) have designed

Scientists design an imaging system capable of obtaining 12 times more information than the human eye

Molecular self-assembly scales up from nanometers to millimeters

This concept opens up new avenues in large area nanoconstruction, for example in templating nanowires, which is currently under investigation. To ensure the survival of Moore’s law and the success of the nanoelectronics industry, alternative patterning techniques that offer advantages beyond conventional top-down patterning are aggressively being explored.Can self-assembly based technologies offer advantages beyond conventional

Molecular self-assembly scales up from nanometers to millimeters

Laser device can detect alcohol in moving cars

External laser device detects presence of alcohol vapors inside of a moving car “This work illustrates how remote sensing technologies affect our everyday life,” said Marco Gianinetto of the Politecnico di Milano, an associate editor with the journal. “We all are already familiar with laser instruments used by the police for speed-limit enforcement. Now these researchers have

Laser device can detect alcohol in moving cars

Germanium made compatible – faster communications on the way

Good news for the computer industry: a team of researchers has managed to make germanium suitable for lasers. This could enable microprocessor components to communicate using light in future, which will make the computers of the future faster and more efficient. Researchers from ETH Zurich, the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and the Politecnico di Milano

Germanium made compatible – faster communications on the way

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