Getting Ready For When The Industry Tries To Kill 3D Printers

Example of replication of a real object by mea...
Image via Wikipedia

Back in 2003, we noted that once 3D printing came around, just imagine how crazy various industries would go onceĀ 3D printing became commonplace, and people could “file share” the printer instructions for various physical products.

If you think the RIAA’s madness is bad, just imagine how insane things would get when you had actual “replicators” everywhere. In the intervening years, of course, 3D printing has matured quite a bit, and many are realizing that such a theoretical suggestion from years back is actually a pretty serious concern. Public Knowledge has put out a paperĀ trying to warn the world of the impending political madness that will come down as 3D printing becomes more common — and we start hearing stories about “pirated” physical goods. While I’m glad to see a group like PK sounding the warning bells now, I doubt it will change anything.

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