What do coral extinction, global warming, and global finance have in common? All are screwed up beyond all recognition, and given our current geopolitical systems, all are beyond all hope of repair. To which the innovator’s response should be:disrupt the system! But of course there’s no money in that. The system is, pretty much by definition, built to distribute money to those who perpetuate it.
Still, despite that defense mechanism, there’s money to be made in changing the world. Elon Musk is doing it twice over with Tesla and SpaceX. I believe Google’s Glass and self-driving cars, among other products of the “Google X” lab reportedly headed up by Sergey Brin, will both become huge money-minting markets. But note that both Musk and Brin were already enormously successful. How many truly ambitious founders who haven’t already hit home runs ever get to step up to the plate?
Despite the billions and billions of venture capital dollars wafting around looking for investments, I can’t hardly think of any. People–including me–complain about how everybody’s launching meaningless sugar-water startups, but to be fair, I bet a lot of those founders would in fact rather be working on something more important and significant. They aren’t doing so because they believe they first need to build their Instagram and cash out à la Brin and Musk.
They may well be right. But only a tiny minority of a tiny minority will succeed. So much talent and so much effort spent–wasted, really–building meaningless gamified SoLoMo apps, while around us an entire global ecosystem is already effectively dead, and more are queueing up to follow.
Or, as William Gibson, technology’s poet laureate, recently put it: