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global warming
Could blending of crushed rock with arable soil lower global temperatures?
We should use fossil power plants at full capacity for one last time, and then switch them off forever
An affordable and low-risk route to net zero emissions which could stop fossil fuels from causing global warming
Halting ocean coral bleaching by pumping cold water from the deep?
Arctic sea ice is melting more quickly than once assumed
If global warming is not reduced parts of the planet may experience near-unliveable conditions
A viable green alternative to the conventional fossil fuel jet engine using microwave air plasmas
Raising serious doubts of the likely impact of methods of cloud ‘brightening’ to counteract climate change
Could these results be revolutionary in the effort to reverse global warming?
Climate change can now be detected in daily weather
Drones show the evidence that the Greenland ice sheet is getting more unstable as it fractures
The economic impact of historical global warming
Solar geoengineering could halve global temperature increases without making climate change worse
Undersea carbon reservoirs are a major climate change wildcard
Have scientists grossly underestimated the effects of air pollution on global warming?
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