stem cell transplantation

A new type of hydrogel could radically transform how we treat Parkinson’s disease
Professor David Nisbet Photo: Jamie Kidstone/ANU A new type of hydrogel could radically transform how
MS suffers may be helped in the long term by stem cell transplants
via MS Society UK MS suffers may be helped in the long term by stem
New CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technique prevents rejection of stem cell transplants

Technique Prevents Transplant Rejection in the Lab, a Major Advance for Stem Cell Therapies UC

Real progress in treating Crohn’s disease is possible

A clinical trial has begun which will use stem cell transplants to grow a new

An aggressive stem cell transplant regimen provides hope for a debilitating and lethal autoimmune disorder

Adding irradiation before transplant improves long-term results and should change practice Scleroderma with internal organ

Electric fields can be used to guide neural stem cells transplanted into a rat brain to repair brain damage

Electric fields can be used to guide neural stem cells transplanted into the brain toward a

Stem cells restore long-term vision in mice using regenerative vision therapy

via Glaucoma Research Foundation Buck scientists restore long-term vision in blind mice, making a case for

Vision restored in rabbits following stem cell transplantation

Scientists have demonstrated a method for generating several key types of eye tissue from human

UI Health validates cure for sickle cell in adults

Physicians at the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System have cured 12 adult patients

Stem cell transplant restores memory, learning in mice

For the first time, human embryonic stem cells have been transformed into nerve cells that