shape-memory polymer

A magnetic shape memory polymer that uses magnetic fields to transform into a variety of shapes

A team of researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology and The Ohio State University

New minimally-invasive implants for diagnosis, therapy and regenerative medicine

Ultrathin films are able to be injected using minimally-invasive syringe needles and can be used

A new smart material that could have major implications for health care

Researchers in the College of Engineering and Computer Science have developed a material—a new kind

4D Printing: Going beyond 3D printing to add a new dimension for additive manufacturing

A team of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers has demonstrated the 3D printing of shape-shifting

Shape Shifters: Demonstrating Tunable Phase Shifting

Reversible self-assembled structures balance two competing attractions to enable stimuli-responsive materials. The Science Scientists devised

Products that Reversibly Change Shape with Temperature May Revolutionize Medicine

New research highlights the capability of reversible shape-memory polymers to change their shape when heated

New Self-Stretching Material Developed at University of Rochester

No limit to number of times material can change shape Although most materials slightly expand

‘Shape-shifting’ material could help reconstruct faces

Injuries, birth defects (such as cleft palates) or surgery to remove a tumor can create