robot programming

This five-fingered robot hand learns to grasp and grip by doing

Robots today can perform space missions, solve a Rubik’s cube, sort hospital medication and even

Open-source software that turns a human’s motions into instructions a robot can understand

Madeline Gannon (A 2016), a Ph.D. candidate in Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Architecture, has

Robot programming innovation automates short production runs and single item products

The quick-control system developed by VTT slashes substantially the programming time for industrial robots, enabling

‘Psychic robot’ will know what you really meant to do

What if software could steer a car back on track if the driver swerves on ice? Or

via Cornell University
Video: Robot Can Be Programmed by Casually Talking to It

Robots are getting smarter, but they still need step-by-step instructions for tasks they haven’t performed