
Scientific breakthroughs more likely with long-distance collaboration
via Cornell University Scientific breakthroughs more likely with long-distance collaboration Since 2010 scientific papers written
Transformative Research is Not Easily Predicted

Research-funding agencies that require scientists to declare at the proposal stage how their projects will

Weaponised research: how to keep you and your sources safe in the age of surveillance

Surveillance has become so ubiquitous that it appears likely that Russia was caught in the

Top Scientists Call For Improved Incentives to Ensure Research Integrity

Scientific controversies, from problems replicating results — such as with the now debunked association between

Researchers analyse 15m scientific articles to design the most comprehensive ‘world map of research’ yet

Scientists from the University of Granada and the Spanish National Research Council—members of the SCImago

New Truths That Only One Can See

Since 1955, The Journal of Irreproducible Results has offered “spoofs, parodies, whimsies, burlesques, lampoons and satires” about

High costs of research at universities made worse by funding gap

“Real” costs of research not met by funding available to universities. Although more opportunity exists

U.S. Global Share of Research Spending Declines

New analysis shows Asia gaining, due to increased support from both government, industry The United

Unreliable research: Trouble at the lab

Scientists like to think of science as self-correcting. To an alarming degree, it is not

CWRU philosopher examines the hypothesis vs. exploratory funding divide

  A Case Western Reserve University professor wondered why some types of research were more