
Muscle-powered electromechanical therapies turn muscle movements into potentially game-changing therapeutic approaches
The piezoelectric wafer at left shows the crystalline structure of the middle layer of lysine.
New material could enable your body to power your pacemaker and other devices
Prof. Ehud Gazit CREDIT: Tel Aviv University New material could enable your body to power
A way to generate electricity from nylon using gentle body movement
When woven into clothes, piezoelectric fibres will transform mechanical energy into electric energy every time
A sturdy fabric-based piezoelectric energy harvester for wearable electronics
Fabrication process, structures, and output signals of a fabric-based wearable energy harvester A sturdy fabric-based
Underwater exploration gets its own battery free sensing system

Submerged system uses the vibration of “piezoelectric” materials to generate power and send and receive

A process to 3D print piezoelectric materials

The piezoelectric materials that inhabit everything from our cell phones to musical greeting cards may

New material approach means piezoelectric energy harvesting could see a 10 fold increase

A 10-fold increase in the ability to harvest mechanical and thermal energy over standard piezoelectric

This Strawscraper Gets Its Power From Thousands Of Quivering Hairs

Called a Strawscraper, this tower is covered in piezoelectric fronds that rustle in the wind, generating power for