The lab-based prototype lidar system that the research team built, which successfully captured megapixel-resolution depth maps using a commercially available digital camera. (Image credit: Andrew Brodhead)
Enabling simple cameras to see in 3D and more
The lab-based prototype lidar system that the research team built, which successfully captured megapixel-resolution depth
Getting LiDAR down to chip size opens numerous possibilities
Schematic showing a solid-state LiDAR chip emitting laser light from an optical antenna connected to
An ultracompact LiDAR technology the size of a finger based on nanophotonics
Conventional macroscanner and MEMS-type LiDAR systems CREDIT: POSTECH   An ultracompact LiDAR technology the size
Much cheaper lidar could make autonomous cars affordable
A new chip-based navigation technology could make autonomous cars economically viable. | ScienceSource/Andrzej Wojcicki Much
Measuring the massive migration of sea creatures at night from space using lasers

Every night, under the cover of darkness, countless small sea creatures – from squid to

Using LiDAR to locate invasive fish

New instrument offers fast, low-cost tool to fight ecological degradation in Yellowstone National Park For

A technique to see objects hidden around corners via laser-based imaging technology

Someday your self-driving car could react to hazards before you even see them, thanks to

MIT researchers redefine 3D scanning with $10 LiDAR sensors that are 1000 times faster than existing systems

3D scanning takes many shapes and forms, but all take something from LiDAR (Light detection

Mobile LIDAR Technology Expanding Rapidly

Mobile LIDAR may someday be a key to driverless automobiles Imagine driving down a road a few