autonomous cars

New disruptive technology allows autonomous vehicles to track hidden pedestrians and cyclists
CP-enabled vehicle detects cyclist behind bus CREDIT: Cohda Wireless   New disruptive technology allows autonomous
New study shows that benefits outweigh risks for autonomous vehicles if they are well regulated
Photo credit: Robin Pierre New study shows that benefits outweigh risks for autonomous vehicles if
Cars watching other cars to learn how to drive autonomously
The researchers’ self-driving neural network gets into very few accidents in their virtual town. Cars
AI recognizes potentially critical traffic situations seven seconds in advance for self-driving cars
The technology uses sensors and cameras to capture surrounding conditions and records status data for
Autonomous vehicle progress: Preventing accidents by predicting different variants of a traffic situation every millisecond
via OSU Autonomous vehicle progress: Preventing accidents by predicting different variants of a traffic situation
With just a small number of self-organizing autonomous vehicles on the road traffic flow can become faster, greener, and safer
via With just a small number of self-organizing autonomous vehicles on the road traffic
The ethics of autonomous vehicles
Photo credit: Denys Nevozhai The ethics of autonomous vehicles There’s a fairly large flaw in
Much cheaper lidar could make autonomous cars affordable
A new chip-based navigation technology could make autonomous cars economically viable. | ScienceSource/Andrzej Wojcicki Much
Smart intersections could increase car capacity on streets, reduce congestion and minimize accidents

In the not-so-distant future, city streets could be flooded with autonomous vehicles. Self-driving cars can

Riders in autonomous vehicles can play with other players in nearby self-driving cars

Researchers have designed multiplayer games occupants of autonomous vehicles can play with other players in

Using connected cars to gridlock entire cities

In the year 2026, at rush hour, your self-driving car abruptly shuts down right where

Making driverless car navigation better with human-like reasoning

Autonomous control system “learns” to use simple maps and image data to navigate new, complex

Speeding up traffic by 35 percent using driverless cars working together

A fleet of driverless cars working together to keep traffic moving smoothly can improve overall

Exploring the ethics of autonomous vehicles globally and regionally

Massive global survey reveals ethics preferences and regional differences. A massive new survey developed by

New driverless car technologies could bring about the development of driverless cars that use 19 to 22 percent less fuel

Pair of studies outline innovations that will improve coordination of traffic patterns and save fuel