kidney regeneration

Scientists prevent, reverse diabetes-related kidney destruction in animal model

Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, and scientists have found that infusing just

Lab-grown kidneys work in animals

Scientists say they are a step closer to growing fully functioning replacement kidneys, after promising

Structures of the kidney: 1.Renal pyramid 2.Interlobar artery 3.Renal artery 4.Renal vein 5.Renal hilum 6.Renal pelvis 7.Ureter 8.Minor calyx 9.Renal capsule 10.Inferior renal capsule 11.Superior renal capsule 12.Interlobar vein 13.Nephron 14.Minor calyx 15.Major calyx 16.Renal papilla 17.Renal column (no distinction for red/blue (oxygenated or not) blood, arteriole is between capilaries and larger vessels (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Cellular signalling for kidney regeneration discovered

The precise cellular signalling responsible for kidney regeneration and exposing the multi-layered nature of kidney