A New Era of Internet Attacks Powered by Everyday Devices

When surveillance cameras began popping up in the 1970s and ’80s, they were welcomed as

LED Bulbs Can Both Light a Room, Provide a Communications Link

Researchers at Disney Research and ETH Zurich have demonstrated that consumer-grade light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs

IBM Watson and Wearable Devices to Monitor Activity of Workers in Extreme Environments

North Star BlueScope Steel, a steel producer for global building and construction industries, today announced

Successful demonstration of nonvolatile memory sub-nanosecond operation spells good news for IoT

The research group of Professor Hideo Ohno and Associate Professor Shunsuke Fukami of Tohoku University

Harnessing solar and wind energy in one device could power the ‘Internet of Things’

The “Internet of Things” could make cities “smarter” by connecting an extensive network of tiny

Wireless tech means safer drones, smarter homes and password-free WiFi

System from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab enables single WiFi access point that

A new-structure magnetic memory device developed

The research group of Professor Hideo Ohno and Associate Professor Shunsuke Fukami of Tohoku University

Device “Fingerprints” Could Help Protect Power Grid, Other Industrial Systems

Human voices are individually recognizable because they’re generated by the unique components of each person’s

New research unveils graphene ‘moth eyes’ to power future smart technologies like smart wallpaper

New ultra-thin, patterned graphene sheets will be essential in designing future technologies such as ‘smart

Energy-friendly chip can perform powerful artificial-intelligence tasks and implement neural networks

MIT researchers have designed a new chip to implement neural networks. It is 10 times

Low-power Wi-Fi breakthrough uses 10,000 times less power

The biggest downside of Wi-Fi for most users might be that it can really drain

Data Singularity: Looking Beyond the Internet of Things

If you have sent email on Google or used Microsoft’s browser or databases, you have

Smart walkers (rollators) for the elderly

VTT has made the traditional walker (rollator) smart by retrofitting it with sensors and digital

Security thinking for the internet of things

In the nascent “internet of things”, security is the last thing on people’s minds BARBIE

CMU Leads Google Expedition to Create Technology for Internet of Things

Carnegie Mellon University will turn its campus into a living laboratory for a Google-funded, multi-university