
New supercatalyst can have a huge impact on recycling carbon dioxide and methane

The University of Surrey has developed a new and cost-effective catalyst to recycle two of

Alternative catalysts of noble metals synthesized for many eco-friendly technologies

Researchers have developed a new synthesis route for alternative catalysts of noble metals for versatile

New water-splitting catalyst almost as efficient as platinum

UNIST scientists have developed an exiting new catalyst that can split water into hydrogen almost

New catalysed reaction could lead to huge economic gains in the pharmaceutical and agrichemical sectors

The research could lead to huge economic gains in the pharmaceutical and agrichemical sectors, plus

Rice’s ‘antenna-reactor’ catalysts offer a new way to save energy and possibly billions

Technology marries light-harvesting nanoantennas to high-reaction-rate catalysts In a find that could transform some of

Nanoparticles on nanosteps for dispersed catalysts

New technologies are starved for efficient and inexpensive catalysts. The best materials are made up

New catalyst paves way for bio-based plastics, chemicals

Washington State University researchers have developed a catalyst that easily converts bio-based ethanol to a

Way cheaper catalyst may lower fuel costs for hydrogen-powered cars

‘Green’ process runs on sunlight Sandia National Laboratories researchers seeking to make hydrogen a less

Laser-burned graphene gains metallic powers

Rice University scientists find possible replacement for platinum as catalyst Rice University chemists who developed

Better catalysts, made-to-order

It’s hard to overstate the value of catalysts UNIVERSITY OF UTAH SCIENTISTS HAVE TAKEN A

A gold catalyst for clear water

Mixed nanoparticle systems may help purify water and generate hydrogen A new catalyst could have

Cobalt catalysts allow researchers to duplicate the complicated steps of photosynthesis

Humans have for ages taken cues from nature to build their own devices, but duplicating

Scientists collaborate to maximize energy gains from tiny nanoparticles

Small Particles, Big Findings Sometimes big change comes from small beginnings. That’s especially true in

New Catalyst Replaces Platinum for Electric-Automobiles

Affordable and scalable process of a carbon nanotube-based catalyst outperforming platinum for electric-automobiles Korean researchers

Chloroform cleanup: just the beginning for palladium-gold catalysts

Federally funded research pays off with new process for environmental remediation Researchers from Rice University,