cancer detection

Using a magnetized wire to detect cancer earlier

Scientists at Stanford used the wire to capture free-floating tumor cells in the blood, a

New device may allow for in vivo real-time proteomics to find cancer cells perhaps even as incisions are made

Isabelle Fournier and her team are out to change surgical oncology. “Better surgery is associated with

Bone biopsies for multiple myeloma could be a thing of the past

The diagnosis and treatment of multiple myeloma, a cancer affecting plasma cells, traditionally forces patients

Determining the presence of cancer as well as its type and malignancy in minutes instead of weeks

This is not just another tool to image cancer. The probe is a two-for-one: detect

An artificial mole as an early warning system for the four most common types of cancer

ETH researchers working with Martin Fussenegger have developed an early warning system for the four

Quickly and effectively detecting cancer via a urine test using a nanowire device

Researchers centered at Nagoya University develop a nanowire device able to detect microscopic levels of

Detecting and tracking the progression of cancer in real time using nanoparticles

Light-emitting nanoprobes can detect cancer early and track the spread of tiny tumors Using light-emitting

Early and accurate cancer detection using nanoparticles

Light-emitting nanoprobes can detect cancer early and track the spread of tiny tumors Using light-emitting

Blood test could rapidly diagnose lymphoma and melanoma

A blood test using infrared spectroscopy can be used to diagnose two types of cancer,

A powerful tool that rapidly and accurately identifies cancerous tissue during surgery in about 10 seconds

A team of scientists and engineers at The University of Texas at Austin has invented

A blood test for tumor-derived DNA to spot early-stage cancers

In a bid to detect cancers early and in a noninvasive way, scientists at the

A mobile device can detect tumor cells in blood

A team of researchers has patented a mobile device that can monitor cancer quickly, cheaply,

The possibility of an entirely new capability for detecting cancer at its earliest stages

A diagnostic technique that can detect tiny molecules signalling the presence of cancer could be on the horizon. The possibility of an

New plasmonic sensor provides reliable early detection of biomarkers for many forms of cancer and eventually other diseases

A new plasmonic sensor developed by researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will

A 3,000-times-brighter water-resistant chemiluminescent probe that detects cancer?

TAU researchers devise a novel probe to identify and measure microscopic cell activity Chemiluminescence, or