
Biosensors on demand by designer proteins

New strategy results in custom “designer proteins” for sensing a variety of molecules Biosensors are

Sensing the future of living detectors and bioproduction

Plant, yeast, even mammalian cells could be engineered into living detectors of virtually any molecule

End to contaminated drinking water

As things stand, a suspected contamination of drinking water requires that a technician first be

Becoming cyborgs in the battle against prostate cancer

Research published recently in Science as Culture suggests that men are surprisingly positive and open

A chip placed under the skin for more precise medicine

The future of medicine lies in ever greater precision, not only when it comes to

E-skin and pocket-sized diagnostic machines give patients the power back

New bio-sensing technologies give us cheap, fast and convenient health data Wearable E-skin that can

Inkjet printer could produce simple tool to identify infectious disease, food contaminants

Consumers are one step closer to benefiting from packaging that could give simple text warnings

Biosecurity seen from the inside

When plants come under attack internal alarm bells ring and their defence mechanisms swing into

How does a machine smell? Better than it did – Biosensors

Scientists have come up with a way of creating sensors which could allow machines to

Responsive material could be the ‘golden ticket’ of sensing

A new responsive material ‘glued’ together with short strands of DNA, and capable of translating

Graphene sensor tracks down cancer biomarkers

An ultrasensitive biosensor made from the wonder material graphene has been used to detect molecules

via HealthCanal
“Molecular movie” technology will enable extraordinary gains in bioimaging, health research

Researchers today announced the creation of an imaging technology more powerful than anything that has

Turkeys inspire smartphone-capable early warning system for toxins

“Our system is convenient, and it is cheap to make” Some may think of turkeys

Direct ‘writing’ of artificial cell membranes on graphene

Graphene emerges as a versatile new surface to assemble model cell membranes mimicking those in

Researchers from Ulm University develop nanodiamond biosensor for detection of ironlevel in blood

Spinach and Nanodiamonds? Popeye, the comic book hero, swears by it as do generations of