
Using implanted cells that release a drug to treat rheumatoid arthritis
Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have genetically engineered cells that,
Preventing and treating human autoimmune diseases using plant viruses
via John Innes Centre Preventing and treating human autoimmune diseases using plant viruses Researchers have
Meaningful improvements from a new drug for rheumatoid arthritis patients

In a large trial led by a Stanford investigator, an experimental drug produced clinically meaningful

Electro stimulation of the vagus nerve could provide a novel treatment approach for patients with rheumatoid arthritis

The results of a pilot study presented today at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology

Unraveling the genetic disease mechanism behind juvenile idiopathic arthritis could lead to new treatment options

Identical twin toddlers who presented with severe arthritis helped scientists to identify the first gene

3-D printing of adaptive aids for arthritis can save upwards of 94 percent for simple household items

Adaptive aids are expensive. Additive manufacturing, using low-cost 3-D printers, can save upwards of 94

A nanoscale arthritis treatment could administer drugs directly to cartilage potentially healing damaged tissue

Injectable material made of nanoscale particles can deliver arthritis drugs throughout cartilage. Osteoarthritis, a disease

Could nanosponges treat or even prevent rheumatoid arthritis from developing?

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed neutrophil “nanosponges” that can safely

A hydrogel treatment for inflammatory arthritis?

A better delivery system brings anti-inflammatory therapies to critical sites Arthritis flares — the unpredictable

Knee arthritis pain can disappear with non-invasive cooled radio energy

‘We’re not taking away the arthritis, just the arthritis pain’ Pain medicine specialists at Rush

New technology could treat a wide range of conditions requiring tissue regeneration

DNA strands in materials act like traffic signals to start, stop cell activity or regenerate

Edited stem cells fight inflammation caused by arthritis and other chronic conditions

Goal is vaccine that targets inflammation in joints Using new gene-editing technology, researchers have rewired

Detecting arthritis with light

Joint inflammation (arthritis) is a common problem in medical practice and can be due to

Breakthrough arthritis treatment developed by University of Queensland researchers

Researchers at the University of Queensland (UQ) have developed a breakthrough vaccine-style rheumatoid arthritis treatment

Arthritis breakthrough as new test diagnoses condition up to a decade earlier – with just a single drop of blood

A simple an inexpensive blood test for the most common form of arthritis has been