3D printing

3-D Printing Just Got Faster, Cheaper and Squisher

A new software pipeline could radically change the way objects are replicated in personal and

3D printing with paper: Print me the head of Alfredo Garcia

A new, low-cost way of making things THERE are more than a dozen sorts of

Make It Yourself and Save—a Lot—with 3D Printers

It may seem like a stretch to envision a 3D printer in every home. However,

100s of Designs Sent to GE 3-D Printing Challenge

GE challenged designers to create a new jet engine bracket. The Maker Movement is a

Carnegie Mellon, Microsoft Researchers Demonstrate Internal Tagging Technique for 3D-Printed Objects

The age of 3D printing, when every object so created can be personalized, will increase

Homemade LEGObot 3D printer does 3D printing on the cheap

As the 3D printing revolution continues, prices of 3D printers have continued to fall, with

NASA, Industry Test “3D Printed” Rocket Engine Injector

NASA and Aerojet Rocketdyne recently finished testing a rocket engine injector made through additive manufacturing,

Researchers Build 3-D Structures Out of Liquid Metal at Room Temperature

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed three-dimensional (3-D) printing technology and techniques to

Significant Increase in Image Quality in Widely used 3-D Technique

Research conducted at Curtin University in Perth has enabled significant increases in image quality in

This Anti-Gravity 3-D Printer Can Make Objects Anywhere—Even Space

The Mataerial printer squirts quick-drying polymers from a nozzle, like it was frosting a cake,

How 3D Printing Has Changed Society Forever

FABRICATED: The New World of 3D Printing is a text that works to illuminate 3D printing’s

3D Printing Goes Mainstream with Staples

We are proud to announce that the Cube 3D Printer is the first 3D printer

Meet The ‘Liberator’: Test-Firing The World’s First Fully 3D-Printed Gun

“Alright. One…two…” Before “three” arrives, a shot reverberates across the overcast central Texas landscape. A

Additive manufacturing is growing apace in China

A new brick in the Great Wall ALTHOUGH it is the weekend, a small factory

Getting 3-D Printing and Next-Generation Manufacturing to the Factory Floor

The White House’s budget promises millions of dollars to build a solid foundation for additive