Faces of Discovery

Reducing waste of food: A key element in feeding billions more people

Families can be key players in a revolution needed to feed the world, and could

Promising drilling tool

An innovative new oil-drilling tool concept has seen the light of day. The tool is

Discovery opens door to efficiently storing and reusing renewable energy

Two University of Calgary researchers have developed a ground-breaking way to make new, affordable, and

Mechanical Engineering Professor Invents Portable Mobility Assist Device

State-of-the-art device to assist the elderly and disabled with sitting, standing and walking Five years

Biological transistor enables computing within living cells

The team calls its biological transistor the “transcriptor.” When Charles Babbage prototyped the first computing

UGA discovery may allow scientists to make fuel from CO2 in the atmosphere

Now, researchers at the University of Georgia have found a way to transform the carbon dioxide trapped

Purdue-developed technology could provide a solution to antibiotic-resistant bacteria, save lives

Through the misuse and overuse of antibiotics, several types of bacteria have become resistant to

How to Kick-Start Innovation with Free Data

Weather and GPS information stimulated the economy with new products and services. Todd Park, the

Personal monitor systems may change healthcare

A wireless personal health monitoring system using smartphones to upload data via the Internet will

Better Eyes for Flying Robots

New systems could improve the vision of micro aerial vehicles Aerial robotics research has brought

synchrotron X-ray
UNL scientists develop novel X-ray device

Research quality X-rays could have widespread applications Using a compact but powerful laser, a research

Bacterial byproduct offers route to avoiding antibiotic resistance

“This method makes antibiotics more potent, so hopefully it would reduce the mutant selection window,”

NTU scientist develops a multi-purpose wonder material to tackle environmental challenges

A new wonder material that can generate hydrogen, produce clean water and even create energy.

Humanoid robot helps train children with autism

“The children’s engagement with the robot was excellent,” Crittendon said, “and we saw improvements across

Robot-Delivered Speech and Physical Therapy a Success in UMass Amherst Test

In one of the earliest experiments using a humanoid robot to deliver speech and physical