Concordia University

Concordia University (French: Université Concordia), commonly referred to as Concordia, is a public comprehensive research university located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Could direct sound printing revolutionize 3D printing and enable remote in-body printing for humans and other animals?

The potential of an overlooked climate change solution

6 new groups of molecules could be the key to delaying aging

Montreal researchers clear a major hurdle in the fight for longevity Hearing loss, brittle bones, sagging skin, a deteriorating mind: these are just some of the issues associated with growing old. For millennia, humans have fought the process of aging using everything from fountains of youth to pricey face creams, all to no avail. But

6 new groups of molecules could be the key to delaying aging

New system that uses sound to detect pipe leaks and help alleviate coming water shortage

New research shows how a special tool called a noise logger can detect leaks accurately and efficiently, before major roadwork is required. The world is approaching a water crisis. According to the International Water Management Institute, 33 per cent of the world’s population will experience water scarcity by 2025. One main cause is leaks. Twenty

New system that uses sound to detect pipe leaks and help alleviate coming water shortage

Molecules that may keep you young — and alive for a very long time

A new Concordia research collaboration with Idunn Technologies provides insight into how certain chemicals can slow biological ageing Even though the search for the Fountain of Youth dates back to the ancient Greeks, the quest to live forever continues today. Indeed, it has been said that the ability to slow the ageing process would be

Molecules that may keep you young — and alive for a very long time

A global software solution for road, water and sewer repairs

Concordia researchers develop a streamlined program to integrate key infrastructure information Ever have your street repaved one year, only to have it torn up for sewage work shortly afterwards? Municipal blunders like this may soon be a thing of the past, thanks to new software developed by Concordia researchers. In a paper recently published in

A global software solution for road, water and sewer repairs

Micro Photosynthetic Power Cells may be the Green Energy Source for the Next Generation

A team of researchers from the Optical Bio Microsystem lab at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, have invented and developed micro-photosynthetic cell technology that can harness electrical power from the photosynthesis and respiration of blue-green algae. This novel, scalable technology enables economical ways of generating clean energy, and may be the superlative, carbon-free power source

Micro Photosynthetic Power Cells may be the Green Energy Source for the Next Generation

Beyond the poppy: a new method of opium production

Discovery by researchers from Concordia and Berkeley could lead to the synthetic manufacturing of painkillers and other drugs Moonshiners and home-brewers have long used yeast to convert sugar into alcohol. New research shows that those methods could also be adapted for something with more significant ramifications: the production of drugs including opiates, antibiotics, and anti-cancer

Beyond the poppy: a new method of opium production

How smart are your clothes?

Concordia researcher designs interactive electronic fabrics From corsets to caftans, we have seen dramatic changes in popular style over the past 100 years. New research from Concordia University now brings the future of fashion into focus by taking a closer look at the next quantum leap in textile design: computerized fabrics that change their colour

How smart are your clothes?

Nature’s billion-year-old battery key to storing energy

Concordia physicists modify battery-like enzyme to produce carbon-neutral energy New research at Concordia University is bringing us one step closer to clean energy. It is possible to extend the length of time a battery-like enzyme can store energy from seconds to hours, a study published in the Journal of The American Chemical Society shows. Concordia

Nature’s billion-year-old battery key to storing energy

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