Santa Clara University

Santa Clara University is a private Jesuit university in Santa Clara, California

Enabling artificial intelligence to learn more continuously like the human brain does

A wearable sensor can monitor levels of metabolites and nutrients in a person’s blood by analyzing their sweat

There are numerous things to dislike about going to the doctor: Paying a copay, sitting in the waiting room, out-of-date magazines, sick people coughing without covering their mouths. For many, though, the worst thing about a doctor’s visit is getting stuck with a needle. Blood tests are a tried-and-true way of evaluating what is going

A wearable sensor can monitor levels of metabolites and nutrients in a person’s blood by analyzing their sweat

A Clash of Media Worlds (and Generations)

Well, last week, smarts won — at least one round. BACK in high school they always told us that brains prevail — that cool gets you only so far. Well, last week, smarts won — at least one round. Wikipedia went dark and Google blacked out its logo, as the brainiacs of Silicon Valley tilted

A Clash of Media Worlds (and Generations)

Pre-Cog Is Real – New Software Stops Crime Before It Happens

One of the first cases of ‘predictive policing The police officers arrived at the parking garage in downtown Santa Cruz and spotted two women behaving suspiciously. No crime had been committed, but peering through the windows of the parked cars was sketchy enough. The officers questioned the women: one had outstanding warrants; the other was

Pre-Cog Is Real – New Software Stops Crime Before It Happens

Web Plan Is Dividing Companies

In an emerging battle over regulating Internet access, companies are taking sides. Facebook, one of the companies that has flourished on the open Internet, indicated Wednesday that it did not support a proposal by Google and Verizon that critics say could let providers of Internet access chip away at that openness. Meanwhile an executive of

Web Plan Is Dividing Companies

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