Michigan Technological University (MTU)

Michigan Technological University (Michigan Tech, MTU, or simply Tech) is a public research university in Houghton, Michigan

3D-printable polymer nanocomposite ink has incredible properties

A really quiet underwater glider can monitor ocean conditions for months at a time and not disturb the marine environment

A way to stabilize some vaccines without refrigeration

Watching viral infections in real time

Could synthetics replace animal testing in cancer research?

Engineered cardiac patches can help patients recover from a heart attack

Patching up a heart needs the help of tiny blood vessels. Aligning dense vascular structures in engineered cardiac patches can help patients recover from a heart attack. A team led by Feng Zhao, associate professor of biomedical engineering at Michigan Technological University, recently published two new papers on best practices in engineering prevascularized tissues. The

Engineered cardiac patches can help patients recover from a heart attack

New faster process for electrospun nanofibers for wound healing and improved 3D-matrices for biological tissues

Biomedical engineers cut post-processing steps to make electrospun nanofibers for wound healing and improve 3D-matrices for biological tissues. They speed up  prototyping using identical materials. Electrospinning uses electric fields to manipulate nanoscale and microscale fibers. The technique is well-developed but time-intensive and costly. A team from Michigan Technological University came up with a new way

New faster process for electrospun nanofibers for wound healing and improved 3D-matrices for biological tissues

3-D printing of adaptive aids for arthritis can save upwards of 94 percent for simple household items

Adaptive aids are expensive. Additive manufacturing, using low-cost 3-D printers, can save upwards of 94 percent for simple household items. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that almost a quarter of the U.S. population lives with some form of arthritis. Daily tasks — like opening drawers, turning door handles — can be

3-D printing of adaptive aids for arthritis can save upwards of 94 percent for simple household items

Healing diabetic ulcers in 21 days instead of 150 days

Diabetic foot ulcers can take up to 150 days to heal. A biomedical engineering team wants to reduce it to 21 days. They’re planning to drop the healing time by amplifying what the body already does naturally: build layers of new tissue pumped up by nitric oxide. In patients with diabetes, impaired nitric oxide production

Healing diabetic ulcers in 21 days instead of 150 days

Fighting infection and helping wounds heal fast using a new microgel powder

While making smart glue, a team of engineers discovered a handy byproduct: hydrogen peroxide. In microgel form, it reduces bacteria and virus ability to infect by at least 99 percent. Hao Meng’s doctoral project focused on biocompatibility testing and pulling a sticky amino acid out of mussels. Glue-like catechol shows promise for smart adhesives — a

Fighting infection and helping wounds heal fast using a new microgel powder

Switching silicon in solar cells drops production costs for this renewable energy source by more than 10 percent

Engineers at Michigan Technological University and Aalto University find that switching silicon in solar cells drops production costs for this renewable energy source by more than 10 percent. At the end of one of the hottest summers on record, as fights rage on about how to power homes, renewable solar energy continues to present as

Switching silicon in solar cells drops production costs for this renewable energy source by more than 10 percent

Enabling the economical recycling of lithium ion batteries

Using century-old minerals processing methods, chemical engineering students have found a solution to a looming 21st-century problem: how to economically recycle lithium ion batteries. Lei Pan’s team of chemical engineering students had worked long and hard on their research project, and they were happy just to be showing their results at the People, Prosperity and the

Enabling the economical recycling of lithium ion batteries

Determining the presence of cancer as well as its type and malignancy in minutes instead of weeks

This is not just another tool to image cancer. The probe is a two-for-one: detect cancer and distinguish one type from another. Together, they develop a cancer fingerprint. Determining the presence of cancer, as well as its type and malignancy, is a stressful process for patients that can take up to two weeks to get

Determining the presence of cancer as well as its type and malignancy in minutes instead of weeks

Water quality solutions that are low-tech and affordable

Clever, fundamental engineering could go a long way toward preventing waterborne illness and exposure to carcinogenic substances in water. Most of us are used to turning on a tap and water coming out. We rarely question whether this will happen or whether the water is clean enough to bathe in or drink. Though the process

Water quality solutions that are low-tech and affordable

Making toys at home with a 3-D printer using open source designs from a free online repository

Cheap, plastic toys—no manufacturer necessary. The 2020 toy and game market is projected to be $135 billion, and 3-D printing brings those profits home. People have scoffed that 3-D printers are simply toys themselves. But they probably didn’t realize how much money is made off playthings. Do-it-yourself (DIY) manufacturing—making goods at home with a 3-D

Making toys at home with a 3-D printer using open source designs from a free online repository

Make a 100 percent or more return on your money with a low-cost open-source 3D printer

Interested in making an investment that promises a 100 percent return on your money, and then some? Buy a low-cost, open-source 3-D printer, plug it in and print household items. In a recent study published in Technologies (DOI: 10.3390/technologies5010007), Michigan Technological University Associate Professor Joshua Pearce set out to determine how practical and cost effective

Make a 100 percent or more return on your money with a low-cost open-source 3D printer

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