85 Year Old May Have Solution to a Greener Future

Bruce Brown has just invented a new technology to make jet engines more efficient.

He applied and received a U. S. Patent on his idea. The technology promises to save 30% of the fuel currently being used for air and cargo travel around the world. This would be a significant accomplishment for humanity. It might even inspire Warren Buffet to begin investing again in Airline Stocks.

I remember listening to the “Psychology of Winning” tapes by Dennis Waitly in my youth. He said, “plant shade trees under which you will never sit.” Brown is clearly creating technology that he will likely never see come to fruition. That doesn’t stop him from getting up every day and moving his project forward. He talks about finding a jet engine lab to test his invention in a stable environment as the logical next step. And I believe he is going to make that happen while he is here. He talks about facilities that might meet the criteria including being prepared for an explosion. Not that he expects his engine to blow-up but he also is an advocate of safety and playing with jet fuel can be a risky business. Existing engines could be retrofitted using his technology so that we could take advantage of all of the existing jet engines in service. “If I were to advance aviation just a little bit it would be a great pleasure to me,” says Brown.

Success could have military applications too. Jets could take off from Aircraft Carriers without a catapult due to a 30% increase in thrust. I talk to one of my friends who used to work at Northrup Grumman when they were headquartered in Century City and he verifies that the government would be interested in this technology. Now that they have moved to D.C. a trip there is highly unlikely for Bruce. But the most lucrative market for this technology is Commercial Aviation where nine million takeoffs are scheduled every year.

His background at Lockheed Missiles working on the Polaris and Trident Missile Systems have given him the chops and confidence to contemplate such an ambitious undertaking and he has crafted specific language and diagrams to obtain his patent which wasn’t easy. Bruce was able to navigate the messy world of obtaining patents. Bruce came up with the idea 9 years ago when he was a youngster at 76. It has taken him a number of years to obtain his patent that he now holds proudly along with a file filled with other patents for inventions he has created.

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via Century City News – Michael Carlin

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