University of Gottingen

The University of Göttingen (German: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, GAU), known informally as Georgia Augusta, is a comprehensive research university in the city of Göttingen, Germany..

Gene therapy and optoelectronics could radically upgrade hearing for millions of people

Could cellulose and water produce an eco-friendly plastic?

Could solar-powered microbes feed the world using only a fraction of the resources of conventional farming?

Reigniting the debate about the possibility of faster-than-light travel based on conventional physics

COVID-19 puts a real focus on the risks of wildlife trade

Could antivitamins lead us to a whole new class of antibiotics?

Coffee, cocoa and vanilla offer an opportunity to improve sustainable forestry

A new class of antibiotics is highly effective against multidrug-resistant pathogens

A research team from the Universities of Tübingen and Göttingen as well as from the German Center for Infection Research has investigated the mode of action of a new class of antibiotics that is highly effective against multidrug-resistant pathogens. The so-called fibupeptides impair the energy supply to the bacterial cell, consequently causing their death. The research

A new class of antibiotics is highly effective against multidrug-resistant pathogens

Cooperation between humans and machines can work much better than just human or just robot teams alone

Göttingen researchers observe the superiority of human-machine teams More and more processes are being automated and digitised. Self-driving delivery vehicles, such as forklifts, are finding their way into many areas – and companies are reporting potential time and cost savings. However, an interdisciplinary research team from the universities of Göttingen, Duisburg-Essen and Trier has observed

Cooperation between humans and machines can work much better than just human or just robot teams alone

Boosting food security with new plant breeding technologies

An international team, including researchers from the University of Göttingen, argues in a perspective article recently published in “Science” that new plant breeding technologies can contribute significantly to food security and sustainable development. Genome editing techniques in particular, such as CRISPR/Cas, could help to make agriculture more productive and environmentally friendly. The researchers advocate the

Boosting food security with new plant breeding technologies

New green alternative for drug production

Chemists at the University of Göttingen develop resource-saving process For the production of drugs, pesticides and smartphone displays, most of the processes are cost-intensive and generate a large amount of waste. Scientists at the University of Göttingen have now succeeded in developing a resource-saving “green” alternative. The results were published in Nature Catalysis. The environmentally

New green alternative for drug production

Restless legs syndrome gets a real starting point for potential treatments

Chemical fingerprints in minutes instead of thousands of years with AI

Neural networks carry out chemical simulations in record time Researchers at the Universities of Vienna and Göttingen have succeeded in developing a method for predicting molecular infrared spectra based on artificial intelligence. These chemical “fingerprints” could only be simulated by common prediction techniques for small molecules in high quality. With the help of the new

Chemical fingerprints in minutes instead of thousands of years with AI

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University of Gottingen Discovery
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