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food production
Could growing mushrooms feed millions and help mitigate effects of climate change?
Feeding the world sustainably via onshore algae farms to increase food production more than 50%
Using artificial photosynthesis approaches to produce food without sunlight
How much could cyber attacks affect global food production?
A new era in food production: Protein from thin air?
The future of food drying: reducing cost, optimising food processing, energy conservation and increasing dried food shelf life
Can we feed the world without wrecking the planet?
Doubling the amount of grains that a sorghum plant can yield
Dietary changes could sustain the world’s food production
Chance Finding Could Transform Food and Biofuel Production
Could triple-decker floating farms address future food issues?
Systems crucial to stability of planet compromised
New study shows how existing cropland could feed billions more
How Do You Feed 9 Billion People?
Bees, Fruits and Money: Decline of Pollinators Will Have Severe Impact On Nature and Humankind
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