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New liquid metal discovery has profound implications for chemistry and future technologies
Researchers Create Cheaper, High Performing LED
Chemists Turn Bacterial Molecules – Rhamnolipids – into Potential Drug Molecules
New Theory by Texas Tech Scientist Suggests All “Quantum Weirdness” Caused by Interacting Parallel Worlds
A Billion Holes Can Make a Battery
Batteries Included: A Solar Cell that Stores its Own Power
Scripps Research Institute Chemists Uncover Powerful New Click Chemistry Reactivity
Co-Crystals Successfully Turn Liquids into Solids
Solid-State Chemistry
Criminal profiling technique targets killer diseases
Scientific breakthrough could operate at tens of thousands times faster than today’s state-of-the-art microprocessors
Off-the-shelf materials lead to self-healing polymers
World’s tiniest drug cabinets could be attached to cancerous cells for long term treatment
New Compounds that Challenge the Foundation of Chemistry
Potential for magnetic cellulose comes in crisp and clear
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