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Newly engineered sugarcane can produce oil for biodiesel and sugar for ethanol at the same time
Dual-purpose biofuel crops could produce both ethanol and biodiesel increasing profits by 30%
Biodiesel from microalgae in three hours
Making biodiesel with used cooking oil and a microwave
Biodiesel from sugarcane more economical than soybean
New, fossil-fuel-free process makes biodiesel sustainable
Ames Lab creates multifunctional nanoparticles for cheaper, cleaner biofuel
New technique makes “biogasoline” from plant waste
Are Algae Biofuels a Realistic Alternative to Petroleum?
BioBot 20 countertop diesel processor converts waste cooking oil into biodiesel
New storage facility a game changer for Simply Green
How to put more bang in your biofuels? Nanoparticles!
Fungus Among Us Could Become Non-Food Source for Biodiesel Production
Bacteria Transformed into Biofuel Refineries
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