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Keeping queen bees chilled in indoor refrigeration units to help bees beat climate change
A common insecticide made for commercial plant nurseries is harmful to bees in ANY amount
Ensuring bees benefit from the solar power boom
The decline of bees and other pollinators is officially a risk to crop yields globally
A 94 per cent loss of plant-pollinator networks over the last 30 years
Protecting bees from pests and pathogens with engineered bacteria
Bees demonstrate new possibilities for communication between humans and other species
A powerful new medicine in fighting honeybee viruses: Fungus
Could sunflower pollen dramatically lower rates of infection in bees by specific pathogens
The world’s most widely used weed killer may also be indirectly killing bees
Fungicides emerge as a villain in bee decline
It’s complicated: Climate change is a major threat to bumble bees
Using an inexpensive acoustic listening system to monitor bees and other insects in the field
Near-infrared light therapy counters the harmful effects of pesticides with bees
Scientists determine how to control parasite without harming bees
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