The researchers have already used it to identify bacteria associated with stomach ulcers and some cancers
The New York Times Magazine this week features a wireless “tooth tattoo” developed at Princeton that detects harmful bacteria.
The sliver-thin device — made of silk, graphene, and a tiny antenna — is applied to the tooth much like a child’s stick-on tattoo. It can detect bacteria associated with not just cavities but, perhaps more important, diseases elsewhere in the body. The researchers have already used it to identify bacteria associated with stomach ulcers and some cancers.
The Times included the tattoo in a piece featuring “32 Innovations That Will Change Your Tomorrow.” See the full piece here (the tooth tattoo is invention is #23).
The Times isn’t the only media outlet enraptured with the potential of the tooth tattoo.
Read more coverage in IEEE Spectrum, the Daily Mail, Gizmowatch, the Trenton Times, and the New York Daily News.
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