Northeastern University (NU)

Northeastern University (NU) is a private research university located in Boston, Massachusetts.

What if there was a way to extend a dog’s lifespan by years with just a daily pill?

Could space elevators transform humanity into a spacefaring civilization?

How to ensure that a new AI model that can predict human lifespan is used for good

Shape shifting morphing fabrics

A treatment for Lyme disease that could prevent chronic Lyme from developing in the first place

A new terahertz wireless link that could be an order of magnitude faster than 5G

Revolutionizing the semiconductor industry with a new form of silicon

A portable desalination unit that generates clear, clean drinking water without the need for filters or high-pressure pumps

An optimal design algorithm for everything from bridges to computer components

Could manure be a key factor to help solve the global drinking water crisis?

Could a new antibiotic cure Lyme disease?

New biodegradable tableware made from sugarcane and bamboo breaks down in 60 days

Next-generation solar cells mimic photosynthesis

Next-generation solar cells that mimic photosynthesis with biological material may give new meaning to the term “green technology.” Adding the protein bacteriorhodopsin (bR) to perovskite solar cells boosted the efficiency of the devices in a series of laboratory tests, according to an international team of researchers. “These findings open the door for the development of

Next-generation solar cells mimic photosynthesis

A different approach to turning carbon dioxide into valuable fuels

Lab’s ‘green’ invention reduces carbon dioxide into valuable fuels A common greenhouse gas could be repurposed in an efficient and environmentally friendly way with an electrolyzer that uses renewable electricity to produce pure liquid fuels. The catalytic reactor developed by the Rice University lab of chemical and biomolecular engineer Haotian Wang uses carbon dioxide as its feedstock and, in its latest

A different approach to turning carbon dioxide into valuable fuels

Facial movements are an inexact gauge of a person’s feelings, behaviors, and intentions

Software that purports to read emotions in faces is being deployed or tested for a variety of purposes, including surveillance, hiring, clinical diagnosis, and market research. But a new scientific report finds that facial movements are an inexact gauge of a person’s feelings, behaviors, and intentions. “It is not possible to confidently infer happiness from

Facial movements are an inexact gauge of a person’s feelings, behaviors, and intentions

Saving electricity and costs by filtering liquids with liquids

Liquid-gated membrane filtration system improves industrial wastewater purification and saves energy Filtering and treating water, both for human consumption and to clean industrial and municipal wastewater, accounts for about 13% of all electricity consumed in the US every year and releases about 290 million metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere annually – roughly equivalent to

Saving electricity and costs by filtering liquids with liquids

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