ITMO University

ITMO University is a large state university in Saint Petersburg and is one of Russia’s National Research Universities

Paving the way for ultra-fast sustainable computers with data processing at the speed of light

Radio-controlled enzymes and biochemical systems can adjust metabolism in living organisms

Scientists developed a method to enhance the activity of enzymes by using radio frequency radiation. The method requires making a special complex consisting of enzymes and magnetic nanoparticles. The particles can adsorb radio emission and convert it to heat, resulting in enzymatic processes acceleration by more than four times. Such method can be used to

Radio-controlled enzymes and biochemical systems can adjust metabolism in living organisms

Magnetically-driven nanoparticles could offer a new way to help stop internal bleeding

Scientists from ITMO University have developed magnetically-driven nanoparticles containing thrombin. A drug based on these nanoparticles can be injected intravenously and delivered straight to the site of a vascular injury to stop internal bleeding. It can accelerate local clot formation and reduce overall blood loss by up to 15 times. The nanoparticles are not toxic

Magnetically-driven nanoparticles could offer a new way to help stop internal bleeding

Personalized medicine will employ computer algorithms

Scientists from ITMO University, the Federal Research and Clinical Centre of Physical-Chemical Medicine and MIPT have developed a software program enabling them to quickly compare sets of DNA of microorganisms living in different environments. The researchers have already suggested exactly how the new program could be applied in practice. Using the algorithm to compare the

Personalized medicine will employ computer algorithms

Hybrid nanoantennas — next-generation platform for ultradense data recording

A group of scientists from ITMO University in Saint Petersburg has put forward a new approach to effective manipulation of light at the nanoscale based on hybrid metal-dielectric nanoantennas. The new technology promises to bring about a new platform for ultradense optical data recording and pave the way to high throughput fabrication of a wide

Hybrid nanoantennas — next-generation platform for ultradense data recording

Creating a color printer that uses a colorless, non-toxic nanostructure ink inspired by nature

From dot-matrix to 3-D, printing technology has come a long way in 40 years. But all of these technologies have created hues by using dye inks, which can be taxing on the environment. Now a team reports in ACS Nano the development of a colorless, non-toxic ink for use in inkjet printers. Instead of relying

Creating a color printer that uses a colorless, non-toxic nanostructure ink inspired by nature

Inkjet Hologram Printing is Possible Now!

Vivid holographic images and text can now be produced by means of an ordinary inkjet printer. This new method, developed by a team of scientists from ITMO University, is expected to significantly reduce the cost and time needed to create the so-called rainbow holograms, commonly used for security purposes – to protect valuable items, such

Inkjet Hologram Printing is Possible Now!

Silicon nanoparticle is a new candidate for an ultrafast all-optical transistor

Physicists from the Department of Nanophotonics and Metamaterials of ITMO University have experimentally demonstrated the feasibility of designing an optical analog of a transistor based on a single silicon nanoparticle. Because transistors are some of the most fundamental components of computing circuits, the results of the study have crucial importance for the development of optical

Silicon nanoparticle is a new candidate for an ultrafast all-optical transistor

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