Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO)

ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences (Catalan: Institut de Ciències Fotòniques) (Spanish: Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas) is a centre of research excellence devoted to the science and technology of light.

SmartLens provides an adjustable technique to manipulate light without any mechanical movement

A team of researchers reports on a dynamically tuneable lens capable of achieving almost any complex optical function. Camera performance on mobile devices has proven to be one of the features that most end-users aim for. The importance of optical image quality improvement, and the trend to have thinner and thinner smartphones have pushed manufactures

SmartLens provides an adjustable technique to manipulate light without any mechanical movement

Health monitoring, food inspection and night vision based wearables made from graphene

The Graphene Pavilion, organised by the Graphene Flagship and supported by the European Commission and GSMA, is returning to Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2019 with over 20 graphene-based prototypes, four of which are developed by the Graphene Flagship partner ICFO, based in Barcelona. These technologies aim to turn mobile phones into life saving devices. The first of ICFO’s

Health monitoring, food inspection and night vision based wearables made from graphene

Squeezing light to one atom will pave the way to ultra-small optical switches, detectors and sensors

In a recent study published in Science, researchers at ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona, Spain, along with other members of the Graphene Flagship, reached the ultimate level of light confinement. They have been able to confine light down to a space one atom, the smallest possible. This will pave the way

Squeezing light to one atom will pave the way to ultra-small optical switches, detectors and sensors

Cleaner and greener cities with integrated transparent solar cells

High power conversion of new solar cells that are thin, flexible, and transparent makes them ideal for a wealth of new applications Imagine buildings in which the windows allow the sun’s light to enter, and at the same time capture the energy from the sun needed to meet all their energy needs. In this seemingly

Cleaner and greener cities with integrated transparent solar cells

Graphene: A material that multiplies the power of light

ICFO scientists show that graphene is highly efficient in converting light to electricity Bottles, packaging, furniture, car parts… all made of plastic. Today we find it difficult to imagine our lives without this key material that revolutionized technology over the last century. There is wide-spread optimism in the scientific community that graphene will provide similar

Graphene: A material that multiplies the power of light

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Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) Research
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Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) Research

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Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) Discovery
  • Institute for Advanced Discovery & Innovation

    From left: (Back row standing) D. Yogi Goswami, Sylvia W. Thomas, Richard Knapp, Fred Leonberger, Richard Gitlin, Dennis Killinger, Richard Berman, Paul Sanberg, Michael Fountain (Front row sitting) ...

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Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) Discovery

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