Hide Your House From Drones With This Tech That Makes You Impossible To Record

via FastCoExist

In a world where everyone has a drone and might want to check up on you, the Drone Blinder will alert you if someone is spying from the sky and make you invisible.

Tim Faucett is no stranger to unmanned aircraft vehicle (UAV, or drone) technology: his company APlus Mobile makes mobile computer units that manage robots and UAVs for clients like the U.S. Navy and Lockheed Martin. But when he looks to the future, he sees a world where its not just the military and government piloting UAVS, but you and me.

“There are going to be private drones, there’s going to be commercial drones,” he told me on the phone. Indeed, the FAA estimates that there could be tens of thousands unmanned aircrafts circling overhead by the end of this decade. “Everybody’s going to have access to a drone. And people are going to have good intentions with them, and people are going to have bad intentions with them.”

Faucett prefers to arm himself against the ones with “bad intentions,” and sees a business opening. A few weeks ago, his startup Domestic Drone Countermeasures filed its first of what he said would be nine patents for a system that will detect and disable drones before they have the chance to film their targets.

Because the technology is so new, Faucett’s conversations about it are shrouded in secrecy, including what it looks like, what the tech entails, or how it really works. He referred to a system that includes software and sensors that will be able to identify nearby UAVs based on their electromagnetic signature, alert the owner of the system, and then–the coup de grâce–the system will somehow “neutralize the drone’s capability to see you with its camera.”

According to Faucett, “We don’t interfere with the drones navigation in any way. We don’t jam anything. We don’t intercept anything … This is non-combative. That’s really important.” Faucett says that as word has gotten out about his company on the Internet, people have falsely described his services like some sort of militia weaponry. “We’ve taken great pains to design systems that aren’t going to get shut down or be outlawed or become illegal. … We’ve taken the combat elements out so [the former military technology] can’t be viewed as unlawful.”

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