Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM)

The Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) is one of the graduate schools of Boston University

An option for affordable non-hormonal female contraception gains momentum

Stopping the progression of melanoma with the flip of a genetic switch

A new drug compound could combat tough-to-treat melanoma Melanoma is commonly caused by the damaging effects of ultraviolet light—from sources like sunlight and tanning beds—on the DNA of skin cells. This UV damage can activate genes that encourage precancerous cells to further mutate into full-blown skin cancer. At the same time, UV damage can turn

Stopping the progression of melanoma with the flip of a genetic switch

Could this unique immune cell be the thing driving chronic inflammation

For the first time, researchers have identified that an immune cell subset called gamma delta T cells may be causing and/or perpetuating the systemic inflammation found with normal aging among the general geriatric population and in HIV-infected people who are responding well to drugs (anti-retrovirals). Even with effective viral control, HIV-infected individuals are at a higher risk for

Could this unique immune cell be the thing driving chronic inflammation

Can light therapy help with brain injuries and PTSD?

VA study with 160 Gulf War Veterans will test red, near-infrared light Following up on promising results from pilot work, researchers at the VA Boston Healthcare System are testing the effects of light therapy on brain function in Veterans with Gulf War Illness. Veterans in the study wear a helmet lined with light-emitting diodes that

Can light therapy help with brain injuries and PTSD?

Researchers discover mushrooms can provide as much vitamin D as supplements

Mushrooms are another good natural food source for vitamin D Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) have discovered that eating mushrooms containing Vitamin D2 can be as effective at increasing and maintaining vitamin D levels (25–hydroxyvitamin D) as taking supplemental vitamin D2 or vitamin D3. These findings will be presented at the American

Researchers discover mushrooms can provide as much vitamin D as supplements

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