wind farms

Offshore wind farms could power much of coastal China
Opportunity blows for offshore wind in China Offshore wind farms could power much of coastal
Are open ocean wind farms the next big thing in energy?

There is considerable opportunity for generating wind power in the open ocean, particularly the North

Argonne coating shows surprising potential to improve reliability and vastly reduce costs in wind power

Despite the rigors of scientific inquiry and the methodical approaches of the world’s most talented

Design and patenting of a low-cost offshore wind turbine

Researchers at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Vortex bladeless turbines wobble to generate energy

Up to 80 percent more cost effective to maintain –  supposedly has a greater than

Iowa State engineers study the benefits of adding a second, smaller rotor to wind turbines

Hui Hu picked up a 3-D printed model of a typical wind turbine and began

via University of the Basque Country
Sopcawind, a multidisciplinary tool for designing wind farms

The SOPCAWIND tool is a piece of software that facilitates the design of wind farms,

Dennis Schroeder/NREL Windmill A big challenge for utilities is finding new ways to store surplus wind energy and deliver it on demand. It takes lots of energy to build wind turbines and batteries for the electric grid. But Stanford scientists have found that the global wind industry produces enough electricity to easily afford the energetic cost of building grid-scale storage. The worldwide demand for solar and wind power continues to skyrocket. Since 2009, global solar
Wind farms can provide a surplus of reliable clean energy to society

Today’s wind industry, even with the necessary batteries and other grid-scale storage, is energetically sustainable,

English: Off shore wind turbines bathed in mist and warm autumnal sunshine. The turbines are located on Burbo Bank about 4 miles offshore Français : Petite ferme éolienne offshore, dans la lumière d'un coucher de soleil automnal. Les éoliennes sont ancrées dans un banc (Burbo Bank) à environ 4 miles nautiques du littoral (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
New research blows away claims that ageing wind farms are a bad investment

Wind turbines can remain productive for up to 25 years, making wind farms an attractive

To Expand Offshore Power, Japan Builds Floating Windmills

OFF THE COAST OF FUKUSHIMA, Japan — Twelve miles out to sea from the severely