tactile technology

The new wearable tactile rendering system can mimic touch sensations with high spatial resolution and a rapid response rate.Photo credit: Robotics X Lab and City University of Hong Kong
Virtualizing the sense of touch enables high-fidelity tactile perception for those wearing thick protective suits or gloves
The new wearable tactile rendering system can mimic touch sensations with high spatial resolution and
The tactile internet gains a predictive touch response mechanism
Caption: Experimental setup demonstrating human-to-maching applications. Credit: S. Mondal, et al., The University of Melbourne
Tactile technology breakthrough gives displays the ability to give sticky feedback

A group of researchers at Osaka University developed a novel two-dimensional (2D) graphical tactile display

Disney’s research hub is developing electrostatic displays, like this jellyfish, that you can actually feel.
Blind lead the way in brave new world of tactile technology

Imagine feeling a slimy jellyfish, a prickly cactus or map directions on your iPad mini