stem cells

Medical scientists develop ‘game changing’ stem cell repair system

Stem cell therapies capable of regenerating any human tissue damaged by injury, disease or ageing

Handheld surgical ‘pen’ prints human stem cells

In a landmark proof-of-concept experiment, Australian researchers have used a handheld 3D printing pen to

Future Brain Therapies for Parkinson’s Possible with Stem Cell Bioengineering Innovation

Rutgers and Stanford scientists develop novel way to inject healthy human nerve cells into the

Stem cell therapy reverses age-related osteoporosis in mice

Imagine telling a patient suffering from age-related (type-II) osteoporosis that a single injection of stem

Vision restored in rabbits following stem cell transplantation

Scientists have demonstrated a method for generating several key types of eye tissue from human

Combining the two most powerful biological tools of the 21st century to Control Gene Expression in Stem Cells – CRISPRi

Combining the two most powerful biological tools of the 21st century, scientists at the Gladstone

‘Stunning’ operation regenerates eye’s lens

A pioneering procedure to regenerate the eye has successfully treated children with cataracts in China.

MSU Discovers a New Kind of Stem Cell

Scientists at Michigan State University have discovered a new kind of stem cell, one that

Researchers use skin cells to kill brain cancer for the first time

Skin cells turned cancer-killing stem cells hunt down and destroy the deadly remnants inevitably left

Scientists Discover Stem Cells Capable of Repairing Skull, Face Bones

A team of Rochester scientists has, for the first time, identified and isolated a stem

Curing multiple sclerosis

Stem cells are starting to prove their value as medical treatments THIRTY years ago a

Researchers ride new sound wave to health discovery

Acoustics experts have created a new class of sound wave – the first in more

Reproduction and stem cell researchers set up a rescue plan for Northern White Rhino

International scientists set up a rescue plan for the worldwide last three northern white rhinos

Combining adult stem cells with hormone may speed bone fracture healing

A combination of adult stem cells and parathyroid hormone significantly increased new bone formation in

Can stem cell technology be harnessed to generate biological pacemakers?

Although today’s pacemakers are lifesaving electronic devices, they are limited by their artificial nature. For