optical communications

Breakthrough: The world’s first optical amplifier that significantly enhances the range, sensitivity and performance of optical communication
Chalmers' new amplifier offers high performance, is compact enough to integrate into a chip just
Deep ultraviolet LED-based optical wireless technology could transform Li-Fi and more
via Tohoku University Deep ultraviolet LED-based optical wireless technology could transform Li-Fi and more Researchers
Microgears enable twisted light high capacity data transmission

Tiny gears on computer chips generate a vortex of light that could boost optical computing

Rapid and cheap optical communication using perovskites

Researchers at the universities in Linköping and Shenzhen have shown how an inorganic perovskite can

40 times wider bandwidth antenna connects nanoscale microprocessors to ultra-high-speed optical communications

Researchers from the Center for Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics (CMSD) increase the number of communication

‘Temporal cloaking’ could bring more secure optical communications

Researchers have demonstrated a method for “temporal cloaking” of optical communications, representing a potential tool