next-generation electronics

A new material that can be used in the near future to create high performance, high energy efficiency electronics

Researchers at the University of Bristol have successfully demonstrated the high thermal conductivity of a

Could copper nanoparticles replace expensive gold and silver in next generation electronic devices?

Japanese scientists have developed a technique to transform a copper-based substance into a material that

Multilingual Circuit: “Optomechanical Transducer” Links Sound, Light and Radio Waves for Next Generation Computing

Researchers working at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a “piezo-optomechanical

Smart contact lens could monitor your health and become your new computer screen

Research from the University of South Australia is set to transform the common contact lens

After 85-year search, massless particle with promise for next-generation electronics discovered

An international team led by Princeton University scientists has discovered an elusive massless particle theorized